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3. Some more shapes July
4. Knowing numbers July
5. How much more - How much less? August
6. How many times? à°Žà°¨్à°¨ి à°°ెà°Ÿ్à°²ు August
7. Equal shares and equal groups సమాà°¨ à°ాà°—ాà°²ుTM & EM Weekly Plans and Period Plans Sep
8. How long is this ? à°¦ీà°¨ి à°ªొà°¡à°µు à°Žంà°¤ ? TM & EM Weekly Plans and Period Plans Sep
9 . How much does it weighs à°¦ీà°¨ి బరుà°µు à°Žంà°¤ TM EM Oct
10. How much do these bottles hold à°¬ాà°Ÿిà°²్ à°²ో à°Žంà°¤ à°¨ీà°°ు పడుà°¤ుంà°¦ి TM EM November
12. Dividing in to equal parts సమాà°¨ à°ాà°—ాà°²ు à°—ా à°µిà°¡à°—ొà°Ÿ్à°Ÿà°¡ం TM & EM December
13. Smart Tables à°¸్à°®ాà°°్à°Ÿ్ à°Ÿేà°¬ుà°²్à°¸్ TM & EM December
14. Borders and Boundary సరిహద్à°¦ుà°²ుTM & EM January
15. Halves that look like TM & EM January
Telugu medium period plans for 2nd class to 5th class
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