⏩ Andhrapradesh PRC 2015 Govt Orders : ⏪
👉 G.O.Ms.No.6, Dated: 12.01.2019 Sanction of 10% Additional Quantum of Pension/Family Pension to those Pensioners / Family Pensioners on attaining the age of 70 years, as recommended by the 10th Pay Revision Commission-Orders
👉 యూనివర్సిటి పించనుదార్లకు,బోధనేతర సిబ్బందికి పి.ఆర్.సి బకాయిలు చెల్లింపు విధివిధానాలు ఉత్తర్వు
👉 AP: Cir. Memo. No. FINO2-18023/3/2018-H Sec-DTA dt: 27-09-2018 Payment of PRC arrears to Employees retired from service/ deceased while in service after 01.04.2015 without receiving RPS, 2015 arrears Clarification Issued
👉 AP: G.O.MS.No. 142 Dated: 27-08-2018. Extension of remuneration equivalent to the minimum of the time scale in the revised pay scales of 2015 to the Full-time/NMR/Daily wages/Consolidated Pay/Part-time employees who were appointed before the cut-off date i.e, 25-11-1993 Download
👉 AP G.O.MS.No. 24 Dated: 20-08-2018. Enhancement of Readers Allowance to Teachers and Lecturers who are Visually Handicapped
👉 AP: PRC 10 ( PRC 2015 ) Arrears Calculation Software
👉 AP: PRC 10 ( PRC 2015 ) Total Arrears Ready Reckonar Table
👉 AP: G.O.MS.No. 98 Dated: 26-06-2018 Revised Pay Scales 2015 – Payment of Arrears - Orders
👉RC No3150MEstt-IL2015 Date 13-09-2017 pay fixation to the teachers who were appointed through DSC 2008 and DSC 2012 -Necessary instructions Certain information called for-Reg
👉 G.O.MS.No. 11 Dated: 03-08-2017 Sanction of conveyance allowance to the hearing impaired employees as per the recommendations of 10th Pay Revision Commission – Orders
👉 Rc.No.169,Dt.22.02.2017 - Implementation of PRC to AP Model School Teachers
👉 G.O Ms 126 dt.30.12.16-Implementation of Revised Scales of Pay 2015 to the Teaching staff working in the AP Model Schools under the AP Secondary Education Society
👉 GO.51 Dt.29-11-16 Implementation of Revised Pay Scales to the Employees of SIET
👉 G.O.MS.No. 112 Dated: 23-11-2016 -Revised Pay Scales, 2015- Applicability to the regular teaching, non-teaching and Class-IV staff of the Andhra Pradesh Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society
* APREIS PRC 2015 Teaching, Non teaching Staff Pay Scales GO 114 dt 30.10.2016
* G.O. Ms 130 dt.01.0716 LOANS
AND ADVANCES – House Building Advance – Admissibility in RPS, 2015
* G.O 111 dt.18.06.16
Revised rates of Special Pays to
the Teachers working in Visually
Handicapped and Hearing
Handicapped Children
* G.O Ms No's 83 to 87 -
Committees on uniform proposal
for extending RPS-2015 to the
Regular & Adhoc Staff, additional
posts, enhancement of
remuneration to Guest/ Part Time/ Contract staff in the light of PRC, 2015, Service Rules and Uniform transfers and promotions in APREIS, APSWREIS, APTWREIS and MJPAPBCWREIS – Constituted – Orders:
* Memo No 03 Dt.27.4.16. APGLI
Subscription up to 20% on Pay in RPS 2015 certain modifications
* AP Revision of Pay Scales 2015
Amendment Order as per
G.O.NO:57. dt 11.04.2016
* AP GO 12 Animal Husbandry
Veterinary Doctors Allowance as PRC
# AP GO 36 Revised APGLI Premium rates as New Pay Scale
# Rc.20 Dt.09.02.2016 PHC –
Verification Modification Orders
# Rc.No:3277 dt 01.02.2016 Higher Classes allowances to the all Language Pandits
# AP Employees Retirement Gratuity Enhanced upto Rs.12,00,000 as per GO 6
# G.O.Ms.176, Dt.15.12.2015 Special Compensatory Allowance to the employees working in scheduled Areas
# G.O.Ms.174, Dt.15.12.2015 Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules – AIR TRAVEL allowance
# G.O.Ms.173, Dt.15.12.201 -
Pradesh Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules - Conveyance Charges with in the State, Court Masters & Personal Secretaries
# GO.150,DT.11-12-15 Travelling
Allowance on Tour
# GO.151,DT.11-12-15 Transfer Travelling Allowance
# GO.152,DT.11-12-15 Permission to travel anywhere in India on LTC once in entire service
# GO.153,DT.11-12-15 Civil Services (Travelling Allowance) Rules - Fixed Travelling Allowance
* GO.154, DT.11-12-15 Allowance to the Copyists in the Judicial
Department where Government have not supplied Computers / Photo Copying Machine
# GO.155, DT.11-12-15 Grey
Hounds of Police Department,
Special Intelligence Branch
and Counter Intelligence Cell
of Intelligence Department
# GO.156,DT.11-12-15 Incentive
Allowance to Armored Head
Constable, Armored Police
Constable and Scout Allowance
to Teachers
# GO.157,DT.11-12-15 Risk Allowance
# GO.158,DT.11-12-15 Clerical
Allowance, N.G.O. Clinic
Allowance, Night Duty
Allowance and Theatre allowance
* GO.159,DT.11-12-15 Conveyance
Allowance to Blind and Physically Handicapped employees
# GO.160,DT.11-12-15 Conveyance Allowance to certain categories
# GO.161,DT.11-12-15 Payment of enhanced stitching charges to Roneo Operators, Jamedars,
Drivers, Class IV/Last Grade
employees and Work Charged
# GO.162,DT.11-12-15 E.S.I Allowance
# GO.164,DT.11-12-15 Revised rates of Ration Allowance
# GO.166,DT.11-12-15 Slaughter House Allowance
# GO.167,DT.11-12-15
Allowances Enhancement of
Supervisory Allowance
# GO.168,DT.11-12-15 Sub-Jail Allowance
# GO.170,DT.11-12-15
Allowances Office Allowance
and Maintenance Allowance
# GO.171,DT.11-12-15
Allowances Revised rates of
Special Pays
# AP G.O No 2862 Revised Pay Scales, 2015–House Rent Allowance Amendment Orders.
# AP GO 139 dt 13.11.2015
retirement gratuity enhanced to
10 lakhs
# Memo.17226 dt 12.10.15 Last Date for AP Employees Pay Fixation in PRC 2015 and Instructions
# Memo.38540 dt 03.09.15 Clarifications on Stagnation of
Increments & Pay reached at maximum of time scale in Pay Fixations in PRC 2015
# Memo 26223 Accept PRC Bills
thoughout Month Treat PRC Bills as Special Bills
# DTA Memo 3321 Admit and Process PRC Bills Accept PRC Bills-Instructions to STOs/ DTOs
# AP All Departments RPS, 2015
Full Version - 2.3 Download (Updated on 12.07.2015)
# GO.85 PRC 2015 HRMS Pay Fixation and Arrear Claims New Instructions and Guidelines
# ఎచ్.ఆర్.ఎమ్.ఎస్ ప్యాకేజి లో పి.ఆర్.సి
ఫిక్షేషన్ విధానం (in telugu and
english )
# AP Memo.3856 AP PRC 2015
Implemented to Aided Staff, Work Charged Employees
# AP Memo.3572 "RPS 2010 Special Pays and Allowances" shall be Continued in RPS 2015
# AP PRC 2015-Adnl Quantom
Pensoin -GO.69 DT.12.6.15
# AP PRC 2015-stagnation
increments GO.67.Dt.12-06-15
# AP PRC-2015 AAS-GO.68 12.6.2015
# AP PRC 2015 Pensioner GO.51
Consolidated Basic Pension/Basic Family Pension to Pensioners
# PRC DA Go 47-RPS 2015 New DA fixed at 0.524-PRC Dearness
# AP PRC HRA Go 48-RPS 2015
House Rent Allowances Go48
# Go 49 AP PRC CCA/City
Compensatory Allowance Go49
# Go 46 AP PRC Master Scales
Go46-AP PRC 2015 Fitment Go.No 46-RPS 2015 Go 46
# PRC 2015 service book
entry profarma
# TS PRC 2015 treasury website
option form
⏩ Telangana PRC 2015 Govt Orders: ⏪
⏩ Cir Memo No.647, dated 25.07.2017
_RPS 2015 -Employees working under Grant-in-Aid Schools/Colleges Retired/deceased employees governed by CPS/NPS-Payment of Arrears* for the period from 02.06.2014 to 28.02.2015 -Procedural Instructions-Issued.
⏩ RPS, 2015 Appendix-II , Non Draw certificates...
👉 PRC,2015 Arrears Bill preparation Instructions-User Manual
* TSWREIS PRC 2015 Software by putta
* Rc 394 Implementation of
RPS-2015 to TS Model School
Teachers and Ready Reckoner
* 9crors Budget released to implement PRC-15 and salaries to TS Model Schools Staff GO.87 Dt10-6-2016
* Additional HRA to employees
working in Schedule area and
Projects G.O.Ms.No.62 Dated:
* GO.15 Dt.7-4-16 Implementation of RPS-2015 to the Teaching staff
working in Model Schools
* PRC Implemetation to TS Model School Teachers in TS with 43% Fitment GO Copy download
# TS G.O.NO: 37 House Building
Advance- Recommendation of Tenth Pay Revision Commission.
# T S G.O Ms No-4 Enhancement of Readers Allowance to teachers & Lecturers who are Visually
# GO MS No 7 TS RPS-2015 Certain Amendments to Pay Scales Orders
# Pensioners PRC 2015 ready recknor
# GO.24 Revised Pay Scales 2015
Applicable to TTWREIS Teaching,
Non-Teaching Staff
# TS GO.99 Maximum Limit of Retirement Gratuity Enhanced to 12 lakhs
* GO MS No 151,dt 16.10.15 TS Group Insurance Scheme/GIS New Slab rates for New Grouping System
# GO.21 dt 13.10.15,~Revised Pay Scales 2015 Applicable to TSWREIS Teaching, Non- Teaching Staff
# TS PRC 2015 GO.27 dt 24.09.2015 Education Fees Reimbursement Enhanced Rs 1000/- to Rs.2,500/- to NGOs Children
# PRC GO MS No 127 Additional
House Rent Allowances to Rent
Free Accommodation in RPS-2015
# GO.111 Ex-Gratia Allowance Limits Enhanced to TS Employees on EOL for Treatment
# TS GO 109 Enhancement of Half Pay Leave retirement time in PRC for PR and Aided Employees
# Memo.9026 Retirement Gratuity Calculation Clarifications
# GO.14 Retirement Gratuity Calculation Formula and Minimum Service required for getting Gratuity
# GO.103 Special Pays & Allowances - Conveyance allowances to Blind and PHC Telangana Employees
# TS GO.99 Maximum Limit of
Retirement Gratuity Enhanced to 12 lakhs
# GO.100 Pensionary Benefits-
Additional Quantum of
Pension,Medical Allowance,Family Pension
# TS GO.101 Death Relief Amount Enhanced to 20,000/- Relief in case of death of pensioners
# GO.89 Scheduled Areas Special
Compensatory Allowance to
Telangana Employees in TS PRC
# GO.90 Dt.12-6-15 RPS,2015-
Transfer Travelling Allowance
# CPS Employees Pay Fixation in PRC 2015 CPS Deduction in PRC 2015 Bill - Memo.No.509
# GO.73 Fixed Travelling Allowance to Telangana Govt. Employees in TS PRC 2015
# TS PRC GO 74 Office Allowance
Maintenance Allowance to
Telangana Employees in TS PRC
# Memo No 3856 Procedral
Instructions for Pay Fixation in
RPS-2015 for AP
# GO.85 TS PRC 2015 Additional
House Rent Allowance Sanctioned in in lieu of Rent Free Quarters
# GO.82 and TSPRC 2015, Annexure I to GO.82 - Uniform Allowance to the Various Departments Listed/List
of Posts
# GO.84 TS PRC 2015 HRA, CCA to Judicial Officers and PRC Arrears to Telangana Judicial Officers
# TS GO.7 TS PRC 2015
Implementation to TREIS Teaching, Non Teaching Employees
# GO.77 TS PRC 2015 Blood
Allowance to Blood Banks Staff
# TS PRC 2015 GO.76 LTC/Leave
Travel Concession Allowance to
Telangana Employees
# GO.69 TS PRC 2015 Clerical,NGO Clinic,Night Duty,Theatre
Allowances to Telangana Employees
# GO.68 Telangana PRC 2015 Ration Allowance Revised Rates to Telangana Employees
# GO.65 Telangana PRC 2015 Risk Allowance Revised Rates/ New Risk Allowance Rates
# GO.66 TS PRC 2015 Supervisory Allowance Enhanced to Telangana Employees
# GO.67 Telangana PRC 2015 ESI
Allowance to IMS Department
# GO.64 TS PRC 2015 Remuneration Enhanced to Employees for
Attending to Official Duties on
# GO.70 TS PRC 2015 Difficult
Sanitation Service Allowance
Enhanced to Workers
# GO.71 TS PRC 2015 Special Pay
Sanctioned to Attenders Who are attending to Driver Duties
# GO.73 Fixed Travelling Allowance to Telangana Govt. Employees in TS PRC 2015
# GO.74 Office Allowance,
Maintenance Allowance to
Telangana Employees in TS PRC
# GO.63 Telangana PRC 2015
Machine Allowance to Copyists in RPS 2015 GO.63
# GO.60 Telangana PRC 2015 TA
Rates / Travelling Allowance in RPS 2015
# GO.61 Incentive Allowance to
Constables, Scout Allowance to
Teachers in PRC 2015
# GO.62 Telangana PRC 2015
Sub- Jail Allowance to Telangana
Employess in RPS 2015 GO.62
# GO.56 TS PRC 2015 Special
Pays, Allowances to Telangana
Employees| GO.56 RPS 2015
# GO.58 Telangana PRC 2015
Slaughter House Allowance in RPRS 2015
# Go 49 PRC 2015 TSGLI
Slabs-TS/Telangana Government Life Insurance Compulsory Premium
# TS Treasury DDO Request PRC pay fixation
# TS PRC GO MS No 47-Spacial
Allowance to Typists and
# GO.46 Telangana PRC 2015
Additional HRA to TS Employees
# step up by step to online submit PRC pay fixation process
# GO.38 PRC 2015 AAS/Automatic Advancement Scheme Implementation Guidelines
# PRC Go 37 Enhance the
existing ceiling of House
Building Advance-RPS 2015
# TS GO.25 RPS Recommendation of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission
# TS PRC 2015 Memo No 68 dt 06.04.15 Procedural instructions for pay fixation of employees in RPS,2015
# PRC 2015 pay fixation Ready
Reckoners for Pensioners
# GO.33 Consolidated Pension
Revision for Pensioners,
Family Pensioners in TS RPS
# G.O.Ms No 28,dt 18.03.15,
C.C.A PRC 2015
# G.O.Ms No 27 dt 18.03.15 HRA
PRC -2015
# G.O.Ms No-26,dt 18.03.2015,
# GO.Ms.No-25 dt 18.03.2015
========================== * TS & AP PRC FIXATION SOFTWARES *
# TSWREIS RPS 2015 software 1.1 by Putta Srinivas Reddy
SOFTWARE by Putta Srinivas Reddy update on 02.06.2015
# PRC 2015 Fixation Software by Shraddhanand
* PRC 2015 Pension Fixation
Software Final Version
* Agency PRC 2015 (RPS, 2015) pay fixation Software Version 1.0 prepared by Putta
# (Best) PRC 2015 PAY FIXATION
SOFTWARE TS & AP for all Employees ( Full Version ) prepared by Ramzan Ali works on phone & computer (xlsx) updated on 15.05.15 ,at 06:30 pm
# PRC 2015 Bill Software by C
Ramanjaneyulu Kurnool
# PRC 2015 Bill Software by
Satyam Ongole
TEACHERS (Final Version)-vijay kumar updated on 19.04.2015
TEACHERS (Final Version) (with
AHRA,SCA,RA)-vijay kumar update on 19.04.15
OTHER DEPT (Final Version) -vijay kumar updated on 19.04.15
click below to know how to prepare our PRC PAY fixation in android phone,details in Telugu
# ఫోన్ లో ఎమ్ ఎస్ ఆఫీస్ (MS word, MS Excel,MS Powerpoint) ను ఎడిట్
( PRC software ) (రాసుకోవడం) చెయ్యొచ్చు.
# Telangana RPS,2015_( Trial ) -Putta Srinivas Reddy
# PRC pay fixation software (Trial ) -Cheraku Keshava Reddy
# PRC PAY FIXATION SOFTWARE ( TRIAL ) prepared by Ravindar Boina
* DSC WISE PRC ARREARS TABLES ( EXPECTED) * -prepared by Ramzan Ali
# DSC 2012 S.A PRC arrears
# DSC 2012 S.G.T PRC arrears
# DSC 2008 S.G.T PRC arrears
# DSC 2003 S.A PRC arrears statement table treated on 02.03.2015
# DSC 2003 S.G.T
promotees as S.A (in Feb
2009) PRC arrears table
# DSC 2008 School Assistant PRC
pay fixation arrears statement table ( dt 02.03.2015)
# DSC 2003 S.G.T (Step uped)Teachers PRC
Pay fixation arrears bill statement table
* DSC WISE PRC ARREARS TABLES ( EXPECTED) * - prepared by tsemployees
DSC 2012 SGT
DSC 2012 SA
DSC 2008 SGT
DSC 2008 SA
DSC 2008 LPT
DSC 2006 SGT
DSC 2006 SA
DSC 2003 SGT ( Non Step Up)
DSC 2002 SGT
HPT 2002 Joined 2009
# Difference Table of PRC
Implementation dt.02.06.2014
istead of dt.01.07.2013 prepared by STU KHAMMAM
# మీ జీతం మీరే లెక్కించుకోవడం ఎలా ?
వేతన సవరణ సంఘం 2015 సిఫార్సులు -
ఈనాడు , సాక్షి పత్రికల విశ్లేషణ
# PRC pay fixation difference
table with stage benefit for
# Ours New Salaries
particulars in new PRC and
with new Basics for GPF and
CPS holders TS and AP
# Ours New Salaries at exactly
43 % Fitment
DETAILS ( earnings,
deduction, CPS ,GPF cutting
and net pay ) exactly 43 %
TABLE prepared by Ramzan Ali
( for all software will be
available after GO release)
# Know Your Basic Pay Fixation with 43% Fitment in New PRC
(Telangana) - STU Khammam
# New PRC Difference Table with HRA 12%, 14.5%, 20% and 30%
# Know Your Basic Pay Fixation with 43% Fitment in New PRC
# PRC old basics & new basics table -tsemployees
* TS & AP PRC 2015 REPORTS *
Volume - I
Volume - II/1
Volume -II/2
Volume - III
Volume - IV
Volume - V
Please give your comments....!!!