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state Awards for Women Teachers and decided to honor the best female teachers who have rendered their services school cducation on the eve of Smt. Savitribai Phule Jayanthi celebrations on 3rd January

Present: Sri G. Srinivas, LA.S. Rot No.82A 3/AP A SIEMAT/20 ated 12-2017.

Sub: APSSA, Amaravati SIEMAT State Awards to the Female Teachers for the year 2018 for birth day celebration of Smt. Savitribai Phule Jayanthi on 3d January 2018 Proposals called from 21.02.2017 to 27.12.2017 by the District Selection Committee Selection of Awardees applicant nstructions Issued

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   G.o.Rt. No. 434 Education (Ser IV) Department. dt: 23.08.2000.
2 Govt. Memo. No. 10174 Ser. IV-2/2002-1. Edin (Ser.IV)Dept. dt: 05.08.2 3. G.O.Rt No.500 Education Trg.) Dept. dt:2.09.2002 4. CM Review Meeting on 7 December, 2016 S. This Office Proc.No.82A3/SSA-SIEMAT/2016, d.20.12.2016.

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The Government of Andhra Pradesh have introduced state Awards for Women Teachers and decided to honor the best female teachers who have rendered their services school cducation on the eve of Smt. Savitribai Phule Jayanthi celebrations on 3rd January. Further it is informed that every year State Awards are being awarded by Government of Andhra Pradesh to the Best Teachers Selected on the occasion of Teachers Day i.e., Birth Day of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the former President of India on 5 September as per Government orders vide reference 1 to 3 cited. Further informed that, it is proposed to conduct Smt Savitribhai Phule birth day on 3rd January of every year in the State as women teachers day as she was the 1" Women Teacher in India. Therefore, it is proposed to the best female teachers in 2 categories. I. Regular female teachers from govt/Local body/aided schools 2. Special Officers and Contract Resident Teachers from Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas. The Government ofindia have promulgated an Act ie. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 (Act No. 35 of 2009) popularly known as RTE Act. In the said Act, among other things Govt. of India has incorporated the duties of Teachers and redressal of grievances. Government of Andhra Pradesh has also issued Rules under the provisions of RTE Act. In view of the RTE Act and Rules issued there under, it is desirable to honor the teachers who have performed their dutics sincerely and honestly and worked hard for the development of education of children in their schools with special focus on Access, Enrolment, Retention, Transition to next higher classes, improved Evaluation techniques, needs of special children and community mobilizes for right approach to quality education. Conditions of eligibility ofTeachers for considering for the State Awards. a) Women Teachers with at least 20 years of Teaching experience and who are actually working as Teachers Headmasters in Government Zilla Parishad Municipalities and Aided Institutions only shall be considered b) Teachers from the above institutions of physically and mentally handicapped are also eligible for the Awards if they fulfill as other prescribed conditions. 2) Main Considerations for Selestion of best women Teachers. a) Special Work done for raising the Standard of Education.


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