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AP Go Ms No 10 dt 25.01.18 Scheme  of  Compassionate appointment to the dependents of  the deceased  employees of  the recognized  aided  institutions for the interregnum period  from  20.10.2004 to  05.10.2009  – Orders-Issued.


School  Education Department-

Scheme  of  Compassionate appointment to the dependents of  the deceased  employees of  the recognized  aided  institutions for the interregnum period  from  20.10.2004 to  05.10.2009  – Orders-Issued.


G.O.MS.No.  10  Dated:  25-01-2018   

  Read the  following :-

1.G.O.Ms.No.687,GA(Ser.A)Department, dated 03.10.1977.

2.G.O.Ms.No.612,GA(Ser.A)Department,dated  30.10.1991.

3.G.O.Ms.No.30,Education(Ser.V)Department,dated  01.02.1994.

4.Govt.,  Memo.No.766/Ser.IV-1/94-2,Edn(Ser.IV)Deptt.,dated  18.05.1995.

5.Govt.,  Memo.No.1366/Ser.IV-1/94-2,Edn(Ser.IV)Deptt., dated 04.07.1997.

6.Govt.,  Memo.No.12080/COSE/A2/2004-4,Education(COSE)Deptt., dated   20.10.2004. 

7.Govt.,  Memo.No.8544/PS.I/2005-3,Edn(SE.PS)Deptt.,dt.14.11.2005.

8.G.O.Ms.No.113, Education(SE.PS1)Deptt.,  dated 06.10.2009.

9..Govt., Memo.No.20360/SE.PS1/A1/2010,dated 09.06.2010.

10. Govt., Circular  Memo.No.35252/Ser.(G)/A1/2011-1,dated 04.12.2013

11.G.O.Ms.No.40,School  Education(PS)Deptt., dated  30.06.2017. 

    **** ORDER :-

      In  the G.O.first read  above,  scheme of  compassionate appointments to the dependents of  the deceased  Government  employees was introduced.   In the G.O second  read above,  further instructions  were  issued  on  the  scheme  of compassionate appointments to the dependents of  the deceased  Government employees,  in  the  G.O  third  read  above; the scheme  of  compassionate appointments was extended  to the employees working  in  Aided/ZPP/Municipal Management Schools.

2. Government in  the  Memo.  fourth read above, clarified that the children of the deceased employees  working  in  Aided  schools are eligible  for compassionate appointment  based  on  the  qualification  in  any  Government  Office/Schools. Again in  the Memo. fifth read above, Government  have  cancelled  the orders issued  dated 18.05.1995 and specific  instructions  were  issued  to the effect that the children of the deceased  employees working  in  Aided  Schools are eligible  for compassionate appointments  only  in  that  School.   Subsequently,  in  the  Memo.  Sixth  read  above, Government imposed ban on creation/filling up  of existing  vacancies of aided posts in  the  recognized  Aided Schools and also  issued orders that the ban orders are applicable  for the  appointments on  compassionate  grounds  in  the  Aided Schools vide  Memo. seventh read above.

3. In the G.O.  eighth  read  above,  Government have  revived  the scheme of compassionate  appointment to  the  dependents of  the  deceased  aided employees working  in  the  aided  institutions  in  terms  of  G.O.Ms.No.30,  Education  (Ser.V) Department, dated 01.02.1994, by  taking  district as a  Unit  and providing  them employment  in  ZP/MPP/Government  Offices  (Not  in  aided  institutions).However, Government have clarified that the orders  issued in  the Memo. ninth read above are with  effect from  the  date  of  issue  of  G.O.,  i.e  w.e.f 06.10.2009 (prospective)  only.

4.  Meanwhile,  Government  have received several  representations from the People’s  Representatives/Unions with  a request to extend the benefit the scheme of compassionate  appointments to  the  dependents of  the  deceased  aided staff,  with effect from  20.10.2004 (with  retrospective  effect).

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