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AP Rc No.327 017-13, dated: 31.01.2018. Filling up of vacancies through Promotions-Fixation of Inter-Se-Seniority of Municipal Teachers Certain Clarification sought for by the Reiterated the clarifications


1) All Regional Director-cum- Sri K. Kanna Babu. I.A.S. Appellate Commissioners of Director of Municipal Administration Municipal Administration, IV Floor, Sri Krishna Enclave, Visakhapatnam, Rajamahendravaram. Gorantla, Guntur -522 034 Guntur and Ananthapuramu 2) The Commissioners of GVMC & VMC. r.

AP Rc No.327 017-13, dated: 31.01.2018. Filling up of vacancies through Promotions-Fixation of Inter-Se-Seniority of Municipal Teachers Certain Clarification sought for by the Reiterated the clarifications


Sub: Municipal Administration Department-Teaching Establishment Filling up of vacancies through Promotions-Fixation of Inter-Se-Seniority of Municipal Teachers Certain Clarification sought for by the Reiterated the clarifications-Further instructions and revised schedule issued-Regarding


This office Lr.Roc.No.3276/2017/J3-2, dt.06.12.2017
2. Lr.Roc.No.475/2015/A6, dit 10.12.2017 of the RDMA, Visakhapatnam.
3, Lr.Roc No.90/2017/A2. dt.1 2.2017 of the RDMA, Rajahmahendravaram
4. Lr Roc. No. 15571/2017/A4. dt 11.12.2017 of the RDMA, Guntur.
5. Lin Roc,No.1188/2017LA3, dt.I1.12.2017 of the RDMA, Anantap ur
6, Th is office Lr.Roc,No.3276/2017/J3 dt.20.12.2017 addressed to the Govt
7. This office Lr.Roc.No.3276/2017J3-1.dt.20.12.2017
8. Govt.Memo. No 881534/DI/2017-2, dated.30.01.2018


          In continuation of the letter 1" & cited, I inform you that, in the reference 8 cited (copy enclosed), Government after careful examination of the matter have issued the following clarification, so as to enable the appointing authorities to take up the process of promotion of Municipal Teachers, PETs etc. Government have requested this office to take further necessary action in the matter accordingly and instruct the authorities concerned to speed up the promotions process as per the rules in force without delay and to avoid sought for unnecessary clarifications in this regard. Clarification sought Instructions to be issued No Whether to continue the existing roster, where there is in Memo.No. 708668 Government a single Municipal Corporation Municipality in the D1/2017-1. dated. 14.09.2017 have District, as the case may be (or) to follow fresh roster instructed ''to follow fresh rosters by taking in the matter. In this office Lt.Roc.No.3276 201613, District as unit for effecting promotions to dt.06.12.2017. Govemment have already been the teachers working in Municipalities and requested to clarify whether to continue the existing Municipal Corporations and also to follov roster where single Municipal continue existing roster in case of teachers Corporation Municipality in the District, as the case working in GVMC and VMC" may be (or) to follow fresh roster in the matter above Govemment instructions are holds good and it shall be followed in res of all ULBs.

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