
Automatic Manitoring Systcm AMS Certain schools are not sending meal Taken report through SMS ,APP till to date Called for Explanation

Ra Na, isplR3!2017. Dt: 03-01-2018.


School Education Department Automatic Manitoring Systcm AMS Certain schools are not sending meal Taken report through SMS ,APP till to date Called for Explanation

.anation from certain Ilead Masters Irstnictions Issued Regarding.


    1. Instructions issued by the Commissioner of School Educatiul. A.P Amaravathi an PAR Mocting which was hold on 21-12-2017.

o O o:-

        The attention of all the Mandal Educational Officers in the district are invited to reference read above, it is notieed by the higher authorities that, the Anantapuramu district is very prxir in sending of daily Mcal taken rcr rt through SMS APP till to datc ure, All the Mandai Educational Officers in the district are instructed tc issue a ert. MLMO to the Head Masters of PS/UPS/HS those who iave noL been sent daily Eleal taken report throug1 SMSAPP till to date duly check in the CSE website. Due to lis, uie work is held un in the Commissi nf School Education Office and this office. Receipt of these proveedings should be acknowledged. For District Educational on Anenthapuramu. All the Mandal Educational Officers in the district. Copy submitted to the Commissioner of School Education, A Amaravathi for favour of kind information. Copy to filcs

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