NAS Useful Forms For Invigilator
The main objectives of National Achievement Survey Class X (Cycle-2) are:
- - - - ⏩To study the achievement levels of students of Class X from government, government-aided and private schools in the subjects–English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and Modern Indian Language (MIL).
⏩To study the difference in achievement levels with regards to area, gender, social group, board and management of schools.
⏩ To study the effect of intervening variables like students’ home background, school and teacher on achievement levels of students.
⏩ To compare the performance of students in all subject from Cycle-1 to Cycle-2. The scope of the NAS Class X (Cycle 2) is: - - - -
⏩It includes all the districts of 36 States and Union Territories in the country. Random sample will be taken from all the schools in the country having secondary classes (ClassX) and recognized by State Education Boards or National Boards of Education [Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE)] in this study. Assessment of achievement levels of Class X students has to be done within these five main curricular/subjects areas namely; English, Mathematics, Science, Social Science and one Modern Indian Language (MIL). A sample of 80 schools per district from each State/Board and maximum 45 students from each sampled school have to be included in main survey....
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