Present Sri K Satyanarayana Reddy, M.Sc., B.Ed.
Rc. No. Spl/D4/PRC Arrears/2018 Dated: 22-01-2018 Aided Employees working under Grant-In-Aid Schools and Retired Deceased Employees governed by CPS NPs Payment of Arrears for the period from 02-o6-2014 to 28-02-2015 Procedural Instructions
School Education Aided Employees working under Grant-In-Aid Schools and Retired Deceased Employees governed by CPS NPs Payment of Arrears for the period from 02-o6-2014 to 28-02-2015 Procedural Instructions issued Regarding
1. Lr. Roc. No. Spl-4/A/DSA/Aided-PRC-Arrears/2017 Dated:-29-11- 2017 of the Director, State Audit, Telangana State, Hyderabad
The Deputy Educational officers Deputy Inspector of Schools under the Jurisdiction of this office are requested to inform the Correspondents Principals Schools under your jurisdiction to upload the PRC -2015 arrears in the following website ie. dsa,t gov in duly following the guidelines issued telangana by the Director, State Audit, Telangana State, Hyderabad in the Proceedings under reference cited. Any deviation in submitting the Arrears Bills will be viewed seriously for District Educational Officer Hyderabad District 22 /2019 Encl: As Above To The Deputy Educational officers deputy Inspector of Schools under the jurisdiction of this Office.
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