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Rc.No . 31/A&1/2017 Date: 19 .01.2018 Celebration of "Ammaku Vandanam" Programme  in all Schools on 22.01.2018


Present :: Sri. G. Srinivas, I.A.S.,

Rc.No . 31/A&1/2017 Date: 19 .01.2018 Celebration of "Ammaku Vandanam" Programme  in all Schools on 22.01.2018


     School Education — Celebration of "Ammaku Vandanam" Programme  in all Schools ie., Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools  under all managements on the day of "Vasantha Panchami” i.e., on 22.01.2018 — Certain instructions — Issued — Reg    

  Read :-

    1. G.O. Ms. No. 22 School Education (Prog.ll) Dept. Dated: 10-4-2017

    2. G.O.Rt.No.: 1528 Finance (FMU-Education) Department, Dt: 01-07-2017

     3. G.O.Rt.No. 124 School Education (PROG.II) Department , Dt: 14-07-2017

     4. This office Proc. Rc. No. 31 /A&l/2017, dated:24-7-2017

     5. This office Proc. Rc. No. 31 /A&l/201 7, dated: 12-9-201 7

      6. Govt. Memo No. 485796/Prog.ll/A1 /2017, dated: 15-9-201 7

      7. This office Proc. Rc. No. 31/A&l/2017, dated: 10-10-201 7

      8. Govt. Memo. No. 988448/Prog.ll/Al /2018, dated: 11 .01 .2018

     9. This office ProcRc. No. 31 /A&l/2017, dated: 18-1-201 7


         In continuation to this officer proceedings reference 9th read above, all the Regional Joint Director of School Education and District Educational Officer in the state are informed that, necessary instructions to celebrate Ammaku Vandanam Programme in all High Schools of Govt., ZP, Mpl, KGBVs, Residential Aided remaining High Schools (over and above 5000 High Schools) duly Pvt. Unaided High Schools on 22-1-2018  duly meeting  the expenditure from their own resources. Now, it is decided to celebrate the Ammaku Vandanam Programme in all Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools of all managements ie., Govt., ZP, Municipal, Model Schools, KGBVs, all Residential,  Pvt. Aided Schools, including Pvt.Un-aided schools in the State. Therefore all the District Educational Officers are requested to celebrate the Ammaku Vandanam Programme in all Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools of all managements ie., Govt., ZP, Municipal, Model Schools, KGBVs, all Residential,  Pvt. Aided Schools and including Pvt.Un-aided schools in the State on the day of  Vasantha Panchami on 22-01-2018. And issue necessary instructions to all Field functionaries to celebrate the said programme in a grand manner duly following the given guidelines reference read 8th read .......

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