ssC Public Examinations, March, 2018 Norminal Roll data pertalnlng to Regular
candidates appearing for S5C Public Examinations March 2018 are cisplayed on the
q from 29-02-2018 to 02-02-2018,
s are requested ta download and
furnish correction in PDF prlnted copy itself.
, candidate name, father name, mother
e, community code, sex code, h, subjects correction,
Medium of instructlon, and P.H. code etc have to be verified with
reference to the admission register and corrections if found in any field
has to be corrected in the downloaded checklist (hard copy) Itself neatly
rounding the mistake and corrections made with proper attestations in
every page duly mentioning the number of corrections. No over writlngs
z. If any correction found in Date of Birth or the candidate, In this
regard copy of the admission register duly counter signed by
concerned officials should be submitted to thls of
3, If any difference is found in photograph and signature of the candidatcs, a
fresh OMR cum ICR form has to be submitted to thls office with relevant
photograph of the candidate.
4. The figure (Subjects appearing) given at the end of school ch
be got verified carefully with reference to the school records. If any
variatians are found in medium of Instruction and Subject codes, the
same shouid be brought to the notice of the concerned officers In DGE
Office by the HM Concerned. Schedule for submission of the downioaded
N.R copies are as follows:.
Late date far Submission of Last date for submission of
rected copies i s corrected copies in the Ofo DGE TS
03-02-2018 upto 5.00 PM 05-02-2018 | by 11.00 AM
5. No more time will be given for correctlons, as Examinations are time
Sd- B, Sudhakar
The Commisslonar for Informeation and Publc Relation, Secretariat, Hyderabad with a request to
make arrangemnents for the publication of the notification in all the dailies under Nes Item in.
Copy to all the DEOs In the State for information and necessary actlon to give wide publicity for
Copy to all the RJDSE's in the State, IAttested
SSC Public Examinations March -2018 Nominal Roll Data pertaining to Regular Candidates are displayed on the website ** from 29-1-2018 to 2-2-2018.
Wednesday, January 31, 2018
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