Present: G. Kishan, I.A.S.,
Rc No. 1210 /PS3-1 /B2-1 /2010 Date: 4.01.2018 The Educational Institutions(Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee to submit a report to the Government-Report submitted -Further Instructions
School Education Department-The Educational Institutions(Regulation of Admissions and Prohibition of Capitation Fee )Act 1983-Regulation of Fee Structure in Private Un-Aided Schools and aided Schools with Un-aided sections having CBSE/ICSE/IB/ Cambridge in the State-Constitution of a Committee to examine the issue of District Fee Regulatory Committee (DFRC) etc., and to submit a report to the Government-Report submitted -Further Instructions -Reg
1.G.O Rt no 244 School education dept. Dated: 29.12.2017 Communicated vide this office Proc date: 30.12.2017
2. Government memo No.35/SE.Genl/A2/2017 Dated:4.1.2017
While enclosing herewith a copy of the Government Memo 2nd read above, the RJDSE Hyderabad and Warangal and All the District Educational Officers in the State are instructed to take further urgent necessary action in the matter accordingly. They should inform the Mandal Educational Officers & Managements of all the Private, Recognized, Un-Aided Schools and Aided Schools with Un-aided Sections having CBSE/ICSE/IB/ Cambridge syllabus as well as the State Syllabus in the State, to maintain Status-quo regarding the Fee, until further orders i e, whatever Fee is already in existence for the Academic Year, 2017-18 will be continued for the Academic year 2018-19, until further orders of the Government. They are further instructed to give wide Publicity in the Print and Electronic Media. Encl: As above Commissioner & Di Education
The RJDSE Hyderabad &Warangal All the DEO's in the State
Copy Submitted to
the Spl.C.S School Education Dept. Govt.Of Telangana Hyderabad
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