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TSPSC has received the following number of applications for various posts notified under TRT Notification

TSPSC has received the following number of applications for various posts notified under TRT Notification (Notfn No.52/2017 to 56/2017) (Applications received from Oct.2017 to 7th Jan/2018). SI.NO No. of applications

▶ School Assistant (52/2017) 145158

▶ Secondary Grade Teacher (53/2017) 89149

▶ Language Pandit (54/2017) 24219

▶ School Assistant (Physical Education) 2177 55/20

▶ Physical Education Teacher (56/2017) 16871

            The candidates who have applied for the post of CUR Assistant, Secondary Grade Language Pan School Assistant Physical Education) and Physical Education Teacher in School Education Department are hereby informed that in recent recruitments it is observed that, the candidates are often committing mistakes in filling Bio data in their respective applications and requesting TSPSC for Bio data corrections in their respective PDF applications. But it is not feasible for TSPSC to make corrections in candidate's respective applications as it is the candidate's responsibility to fill the application form correctly. In view of the above, it is decided to give an opportunity to the candidates to correct their wrongly entered data by way of giving Edit Option Candidates are strictly informed that this Edit option will be considered for one time only. Hence, the candidate should show utmost care while using Edit Option as this Data will be considered up to final selection. The candidates are directed to avail this opportunity from 9th to 11th of January, 2018. Hyderabad


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