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Rc No 18, dt 02.02.18 Retirement Permission certain Teachers on attaining the age of superannuation during the year 2018 - DEO SIDDIPET


      Proposals receivcd from the HMs i MEOs concerned n view of the proposals received throu gh reference read above and urder the provision laid in the Pubic on of Agr 1984,


          the following teachers are hereby permitted to retire from serwice or attal ng the age o superannuation during tho year 2015 with effect from the dates meentioned a gainst their names at Column (6) below:

⏩The retirement permission now accorded to the above said teachers is subject to the following conditions: The HMS/MEos concerned should ensure that no charges are pending against the individuals. 

⏩2. without prejudice charges pending if any. the individuals are att The date of birth should be verified and ensure that the age of superannuation Without prejudice to recovery of excess paid if any Therefore, the concerned are requested to relieve the individuals with eff from the dates mentioncd above and report compliance. The pension papers may be process accordingly. Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged. District taucational officer 

To The individuals concerned through the HM/MEOs concerned. Copy to the Head Masters of High Schools concerned. Copy to the Mandal Educational Officers concerned. Copy to the Sub Treasury Officers concerned. Copy forwarded to the Dy. Director, o/o DTO, Siddipet district. Copy submitted to the Accountant General, Telangana, Hyderabad


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