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TS, Rc 1249, dt 01.02.18 Excursion Trip for students "within the State" and exposure visit to "outside State Extension of date 10.02.2018 instead of 10.01.2018


RMSA, TS, Hyderabad Excursion Trip for students "within the State" and exposure visit to "outside State Extension of date 10.02.2018 instead of 10.01.2018 for both excursion within the State visit to outside State and revised guidelines for and exposure exposure visit to "outside State orders issued-Reg


1.AWP&B 2017 18 of RMSA.
2 This Office Proc Re.No.1249/RMSA/TS/2017, dt 24.11.2017 3.Lr No 6/2018, dt.22.01.2018


             Representation of Telangana State Gazzetted Headmasters Association, Hyderabad, & & & In continuation to the Proceedings issued in the reference 2nd read above, all the District Educational officers in the State are informed that the Guidelines have ready been issued regarding conduct of Excursion & Exposure visits within and out of State and shall be completed before 10.01.2018. The Telangana State Gazzetted Headmasters Association, Hyderabad has submitted the representation vide reference 3rd cited requesting to extend the date for conduct the Excursion & Exposure visits within and out of State, as most of the schools have not conducted their exposure visits In view of the representation of Telangana State Gazzetted Headmasters Association, Hyderabad, the Commissioner & Director of School Education & Ex Officio Project Director, RMSA & Model Schools, Telangana, Hyderabad is hereby extend the dates from 10.01.2018 to 10.02.2018 for both excursion within the State and exposure visit to outside State. The guidelines issued earlier for excursion trip for students within the State holds good and the revised guidelines for Exposure visit outside the State is as follows: Revised Guidelines for the Exposure visits outside the State issued vide proceeding RcNo.1249/RMSALTSL2017-2 2411.2012 1. The Mandal Educational Officer/ one responsible High School Headmaster of the concerned Mandal is the In-charge of the Exposure visit outside the State.

⏩ 2. The In-charge of the Exposure visit should ensure that the Exposure visit undertaken is for the benefit of students and is related to the curriculum of the course in which such students are enrolled.

⏩3. The In-charge of the Exposure visit should ensure security i-cards to al such students and maintain a separate Data base of the personal details like guardian /local guardian, home address, mobile, e-mail etc. of such students and the same is carried by the students on his person The in-charge of the Exposure visit should ensure that written permission of one of the parents or the local guardian is submitted on the.....



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