Present: Sri. G. Kishan, I.A.S.
TS : Rc 298, Dt:22 02.2017 preparation for Class-X board Examinations Ban on Printing and providing of Special Study material for the students
RMSA, TS, Hyderabad Student preparation for Class-X board Examinations Ban on Printing and providing of Special Study material for the students Orders issued Reg.
G.O.Ms.No.17, School Education (PE-Prog.II) Dept., Dt: 14.05.2014 and subsequent instructions from C&DSE, TS, Hyderabad.
-00o ORDER
All the District Educational Officers in the State are here by informed that vide subject cited, preparation for class-X students for the board examinations is being taken up in every School with special classes in the g and evening sessions. It is observed that certain DEOs are still preparing study material for the subjects, printed and provided to the students, which against the sprite of CCE methodology In this regard, it is to inform that as a part of improving the Educational Standards Govt has issued orders vide reference cited banning the use of Guides and Study Material by the Children and Teachers. Readymade answers and memorizing thm damage the children's thinking capacities and self expression. Guides and Guide type Study Material shall not be used and all the HMs and District Educational Officers must copying the instructions issued in the G.0. read above. The instructions from O/o the C&DSE have also been issued on not to use guides and study material. The children has to read the text books and comprehend the concepts in a holistic way so that they can answer the questions of various type e., analytical, application oriented, reasoning, open ending etc. The focus is on understanding the concepts chapter wise with proper discussions in the class rooms encouraging for student questions during preparatory days i.e., February and March. The practice of making children sit in the class rooms out sides of the class room and ask them to read and prepare for test will not yield result During revision of the syllabus, the teacher has to explain the concepts of the unit and conduct slip test on the topic. The teacher shall again clarify the doubts based on individual performance Athe slip test. Therefore, al the District Educational Officers are hereby directed to not to print and provide study material to the class-X students. ......
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