Present M Venkata Krishna Reddy
AP: dt 27-03-2013 Rc. No. SCERT/ 2016 Implementation of Examination Reforms Summative Assessment -ll Time Table-Orders
SCERT, AP, Amaravati Implementation of Examination Reforms Summative Assessment -ll Time Table-Orders -Issued Reg.
GO MS No. 80, School Education (Prog-ll) Dept., dt. 27.10.2017 of Govt, of A.P.
⏩ All the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, it is decided to conduct Common Summative Examination -II (SA-11) Class Ito l in all Schools under all Managements across the State The SA ll Examinations is scheduled from 09-4-2018 to 23-4-2018 for High Schools (Class VI-IX) and for Primary Schools SA Examinations is scheduled from 18-4-2018 to 21-4-2018.
⏩ As it is a common examination across the State, examinations should be conducted as per the schedule without any deviation. In this regard all the RJDSEs, District Educational Officers in the State are requested to Communicate Examination Schedule to all Schools and under all Managements in thei respective districts, and also instruct the MEOs and School Complex Head Masters should distribute Questions Papers to the concerned School One hour before the Examination by utilizing the services of Clusters Resources Persons. Follow the guidelines annexed.
1. Common Summative Assessment -ll. Examination Schedule
2. Guideline DIRECTO SCERT Andhra Pradesh Ibra patnam,Vijayawada
All the RJDSEs in the State All the District Educational Officers in the State All the Principals of DIETs in the State All the Project Officers, SSA, in the State The Secretary. APREIS. APTWRS, BC Welfare, AP Social Welfare Dept.. KGBVs The Director, Model Schools. The Director. Municipal Administration.
submitted to the SPD. SSA Andhra Pradesh for information. Copy submitted to the Director, RMSA. Andhra Pradesh for information. Copy submitted to the Commissioner of School Education, Andhra Pradesh for information
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