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AP RC No 58022, DT 27.03.2018 Implementation of 100 % Bio Matric Attendance in All Govt Offices

AP RC No 58022, DT 27.03.2018 Implementation of 100 % Bio Matric Attendance in All Govt Offices


      Minutes of the Video Conference or Biometric and e Office held by Chict Minister an 09 03 2018 forwarded through UO Not Memo, No GAD 58 02217/ U17 SEGY POLL GAD dated 19 03 U18


               he e-office system was launched cy the Hon'ble Chief Miniate on 20 12 2014 he Secretariat Depa me ts Thc c office 3ystem hes been extended to the nitially in Heads of Departments and the District Office3 in the phased manner vide GOMs No. 149 GA (PUA) Dept., dated 18-12-2017 Subsequently Government made it mandatory ta imalement the e-office system and Biometric attendance in Secretariat, Heads of Departments i Autonomous Organisations and all the District Offices in the State in order to provide transparent, efficient and time-bound services to the public. Gove ment have initiated several measures to accomplish the task making all Government offices in the State paperless and ensure 100 Biometric attendance by the end of March, 20 B. In th s regard. instructions were already issued to Heads of Department for inataliation of computers. Scanners for e ottice implemontation It has been deciced by the Government that all offices of Government snal be operational in paperless mode e-Cffice and ensure 100% biometric attendance with effect from 01-04-2018 4. The Government there ore, hercby instruct that that nu Government Office in the State should open any physical file and no manual attendance shall be maintained w.ef. 01-04-2018 5. In case, there is requirement for uitation of physical files, the same shall be created only with the prior approval of Head of the Department concerned and the details uf such creation shall oe infcrmed to Nodal Authority repor every month 6. All the Secretariat Departments, Hcads of Departments, Autonomous Organisations, District Collectors and District Offices shall stnctly adhorc to the instructions of Government and any violation in this regard will be viewed sericusly. DINESH KUMAR, CHIEF SECRETARY TO GOVERNMENT To All Seuletariat Departments All Heads of Departments. All District Collectors. Copy to The PS to Secretary to Chief Minister The PS to Chief Secretary The PS to Secretary (Political, General Adrnn Dept SFISCs //Forwarded: By orderi SECTION OFFICER



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