Present. K.Sandhya Rani, I.P.o.S., Dated: 08-03-2018
AP: RC No.238/B1/APMS/2016 Visually challenged Teachers in the state to sanction Reader Allowance Reader Particulars Information
A P. Secondary Education Society -Visually challenged Teachers in the state to sanction Reader Allowance Reader Particulars Information called far Reg.
1) Representation of Sri B. Pratap Reddy, T.G.T (S.S) visually challenged
2) G.O.M No.34 Women Development Child welfare &Disabled welfare Dept Dated 15.07.10.
The DEOs and Ex-Officio District Project Co-Ordinators of Model Schools in the State except W.G.Dt., are here by instructed to submit the particulars in the below proforma with regard to Visually challenged Principals, PGTs and TGTs of the Model Sohools and reader particulars in accordance with the reference 2rd read above to take further action in the matter. S No Name of the Name o the Destarat on Name ot the reader as per Taking help Remarks School Employ ca GO M No.34 Women from reader Development ch ld welfare From To &Disabled welfare Dept Uated 16.07.10 Further they are requested to submit-n report if they not having any Vsually challenged Principals, PGTs and TGTs in their district immediately. For Commissionerot School Education, & FX officio, Project Director RMSAAPMIS AP., Ibrahimpaatnam.
All the DEOs and Ex-Officio District Project Co Ordinators of RMSAModel Schools in the State ay rant nt
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