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AP: RC No.55 2018-19 Dated: 23-03 2018 Model Schools Entrance test for Admission in to 6th class ( 80 seats in each school) Constitution of Exam centers and appointmemnt of oficers Invgilators, clerks, Attenders, water men f Water women

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Present: K.Sandhya Rani. l.P.S.

AP: RC No.55 2018-19 Dated: 23-03 2018 Model Schools Entrance test for Admission in to 6th class ( 80 seats in each school) Constitution of Exam centers and appointmemnt of oficers Invgilators, clerks, Attenders, water men f Water women


       As Model Schools Entrance test for Admission in to 6th class ( 80 seats in each school) Constitution of Exam centers and appointmemnt of oficers Invgilators, clerks, Attenders, water men f Water women Reg

1. G.U.Ms.N1. Secondary Education (Frog.1) Dcpt., Dt. 29 0 2015
2. Pres noti ication published in Eenadu and Ank ra Jyulhi Daily news paper.


            All the District Cducational End Ex-officio Digirici Projoci Coordinators APMSiRMSA in the State aru J Uta. in the G,01st reac above Govern ment have issued ders to onnriset entrance test for admission of students into VI Cldos in Medel Schools A. P. State. Accordingly a Press Notitirali: wns ss. ed in the leading News Papers of Eenadu and Ardhra i inv tiny urllir applical cns. The En rence Test wiu De conduated from 9 co AM In 1 AM on 8.04.2018 (Sunday) in the Model Schools locatod in rospoctive Mandal. Each Modal School will be treated as a unit fcr the purpose of admission Arrange ents have to het made for smooth conduct f the Exam on 08.04.2015(Su-day in exislily Mudel Schools. Hence they are esterl to constitute Examination Centres and appoint Chief Superntendents, Da arumenta offcers, Invigilalors and other staff. Further they are requested to take necessary acticn for J wilh raving uuestion at Mardal Police Slaliur preserving Que on Pap packets Pavel packets on the day ct examination, The Chicf SuporintoTucnts and the Dopprt mental Officers w ll be the custodians d Jort Custod ans for he centres in th District. Hence, they are uested tc crow an a uon plan and sea trial pry csed entrance est is lu u aducted smoothly Mithcut any dislocalion of wcrk and p oblemc Cont.....



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