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AP:G.O.Rt.No.52 Dated:16.03.2018 Short fall of the salaries of January/2018, February/2018, DA arrears etc; under Aided Secondary Schools, Aided Sanskrit Schools & Aided Special Schools

GOVERNMENT  OF  ANDHRA PRADESH ABSTRACT School  Education Deptt.-Accounts-BE-2017-18- Short fall  of  the salaries of January/2018,  February/2018, DA  arrears etc;  under Aided  Secondary Schools, Aided Sanskrit  Schools &  Aided Special  Schools-re-appropriation-Orders-Issued.


AP:G.O.Rt.No.52 Dated:16.03.2018 Short fall  of  the salaries of January/2018,  February/2018, DA  arrears etc;  under Aided  Secondary Schools, Aided Sanskrit  Schools &  Aided Special  Schools

Read the  f ol lo wi ng :

      1.  From  the  Commissioner of  School  Education,  A.P., Ibrahimpatnam, Lr.Rc.No.100/AIII/2017-18, Dt.14.02.2018. 

       2. G.O.Rt.No.363,  Finance(FMU-Education)Department, Dated. 13.03.2018    

   **** ORDER:

         The Commissioner of  School  Education, Andhra Pradesh,in  the reference  1st read above   has  stated that the  District Educational  Officers of Srikakulam, Visakhapatnam, East  Godavari, West Godavari, Krishna,  Guntur,  Prakasam,  Nellore, Chittoor, Kurnool,  Ananthapur, Kadapa and Vizianagaram  districts have furnished requirement for  Rs.56,27,58,000/-under  Aided Secondary Schools, Rs.4,52,63,000/- under  Aided Sanskrit  Schools  and Rs.19,79,000/-under  Aided Special  Schools towards shortfall amounts of salaries for the month of January/2018&  February/2018, DA  Arrears etc.  for the  F.Y.2017-18 to  the  teachers working  in  Aided Secondary, Sanskrit  and  Special  Schools  under  H.O.A.2202-02110-00-04-310-311, 2202-05-103-00-06-310/311&2202-02-109-00-04-310-311.

    ⏩2. Further,  the Commissioner of  School  Education, Andhra Pradesh, has stated that an amount of Rs.28098.23  Lakhs,  Rs.4013.69 Lakhs&204.10 Lakhs  have  been sanctioned  under  Aided Secondary Schools, Aided Sanskrit  Schools and Aided Special Schools  in  B.E.2017-18  respectively,  for  salaries  of  the  Aided  Teachers. Further, the  salaries  have  been  paid  upto  December/2017 under  Aided Secondary Schools, as some  of  the  Primary Teachers  have  got promotion and posted  to  Aided Secondary Schools  and Salaries  have  been  paid upto  January/2018 (In some districts)  under  Aided Sanskrit  Schools and Aided Special  Schools and there  is  a short fall  in  salaries  for the  month of January/2018&  February/2018&DA  arrears.

      ⏩ 3. Further,  the Commissioner of  School  Education, Andhra Pradesh, has stated that, an  amount of  Rs.61,05,64,500/-  is  available  under  H.O.A.  2202-02-110-0006-310/311 – APREI  Society, as  savings  are  anticipated under  this  scheme  for the F.Y.2017-18.

      ⏩4. The Commissioner School  Education,  Andhra Pradesh, while  enclosing   the Form-M,  has requested the Government to arrange to  reappropriate the funds 1.From H.O.A.2202-02-110-00-06-310/311 to  2202-02-110-00-04-310/11    (Aided  Secondary Schools)  for Rs.56,27,58,000/- 2.From  the  said  Head of  Account to  H.O.A.2202-02-109-00-04-310-311   (Aided Special Schools)  for 19,79,000/- and 3.From  the  said  Head of  Account to  H.O.A.2202-05-103-00-06-310-311    (Aided  Sanskrit  Schools)  for Rs.4,52,63,000/-.

       ⏩5. In  the reference 2nd  read  above, Finance Department have issued Budget Release  order  for an  amount of Rs.5550.42  Lakhs  (  Rs.Five  Thousand Five  Hundred Fifty Lakhs and Forty  Two Thousand only)  as reappropriation/resumption of funds  towards meeting   the short  fall  of the salaries of January, February, 2018 to the assist Aided Secondary  Schools,  Government   Secondary  Schools &  assist to Aided Sanskrit  Schools  in  the State. ...



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