General Administration Department - Services Welfare – Service Associations of Telangana State – Extension of “Other Duty” facility to Principal Office Bearers – Orders – Issued.
G.O.Rt.No.515, Dated: 16-03-2018. On Duty Facility To State Union Leaders ( TSUTF , PRTU TS, STU TS, TRTF, TTU , PRTU TELANGANA, TUTF)
Read the following :-
1. G.O.Rt.No.534, G.A(SW) Department, dt:23.02.2017.
2. G.O.Rt.No.314, G.A(SW) Department, dt: 03.02.2017.
3. G.O.Rt.No.321, G.A(SW) Department, dt:06.02.2017.
4. From the President/Genl.Secy.,, Telangana United Teachers Federation (TUTF), Dt: 08.12.17, 09.01.2018 with enclosures.
5. From the President, Telangana Secretariat Association,(TSA) dt:20.12.17 with enclosures
6. From the President, Telangana Teachers Union(TTU),dt:20.12.17 with enclosures
7. From the President/Genl. Secy. Telangana State United Teachers Federation (TSUTF), Lr.No.86/2017, Dt:21.12.17 & 9.1.18, with enclosures
8. From the President, Telangana Revenue Employees Services Association, (TRESA), Dt.23.12.2017 with enclosures.
9. From the President/Genl. Secy., Telangana Rastra Teachers Federation (TRTF), Lr.No.59/TRTF/2016, dated:19.12.2016, dt:28.12.17.
10.From the School Edn. Dept., U.O.Note.NO.9621/SE.Genl./A1/2017, dt:14.12.17 along with repn. of TUTF and its enclosures.
11.From the President/ Genl. Secy., Progressive Recognised Teachers Union, Telangana, dt:08.01.2018 with its enclosures.
12.From the President/Genl. Secy., Telangana Non-Gazetted Officers’ Union Central Hyd. Lr.No.41/TNGOs/CU/2017-3, Dt.02.01.18.
13. From the President, Twin Cities T.G. Govt. Drivers Central Assn., dt:08.01.18
14. From the President/Genl. Secy. Progressive Recognised Teachers Union TS (PRTU), Lr.No.13/PRTU/2018, DT:16.01.2018. 15.From the General Secretary, State Teachers Union, TS, Lr.No.STUTS/44/2018, Dt:03.01.2018 with enclosures.
**** ORDER:
Government, after considering the requests made in the representations 4th to 15th read above, in continuation of orders issued in G.O.1st,2nd and 3rd read above, hereby extend O.D. facility temporarily to the Principal Office Bearers of the Associations, mentioned in the table below, pending reconstitution of Joint Staff Council and recognition in the State of Telangana.
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