TS: Dated: 03.02.2018 Proc. No. 3792/SSA/T4/2017 Supply of School Uniforms to the Students for the year 2018 19 Certain instructions
SSA Supply of School Uniforms to the Students for the year 2018 19 Certain instructions
of the meeting held on o401.2018 at Special Chief Secretary. Education chambers.
the DEO's & officio Project Officers in the state are hereby informed that as per th Government the indent for supply of school uniforms for the year 2018-19 was placed with orders The TSCO Mutually Aided -Co-operative Siricilla. of Uniform cloth with effect from 15th Feb 2018 and completed by 19th March will start supply the Government 2018.. The uniform cloth will be delivered at Mandal points, as decided by pediting the process of supply of n this context, the following arrangement are made for ex Uniform Cloth and stitching of Uniforms at School Point and distribution of Uniform before commencement of schools after summer vacation i e., 01.06.2018 for the year 2018-19 1. The Mandal Educational oficer shall receive and acknowledge the Uniform Cloth as per the enrollment and shall keep in safe custody. The storage points space selected shall be a permanent building with water proofing, free from termites rodents and shall take all precautions from fire other natural calamities etc., to protect the Uniform Cloth in the Mandal Point. He shall also take necessary steps to supply the same to the Head Masters duly obtaining acknowledgments
⏩ 2. The Head Masters of High Schools concerned shall collect the Cloth from the MRCs and handover the Cloth to the tailors for stitching of Uniforms as and when the Cloth is received, since the Head Masters will be on duty in Summer Vacation. In this context a have to ensure physical measurements of each and every student is taken one week before the last working day ie..12.04.2018 by the tailor &complete the stitching of uniforms before 28 May 2018
⏩ 3. The Head Masters of Upper Primary and Primary Schools concerned shal ensure collection of physical measurements of the each and every student one week before the day of the School with the help of local tailors and handover to the concerned School Complex Headmasters.
⏩ 4. The school complex Headmasters shall collect the cloth in respect of Primary and Upper Primary Schools under their control with the help uster Resource Persons and handover the uniform cloth to the tailors as and when the Cloth is received and complete the stitching before 28th May 2018
⏩ 5. The Mandal Educational Officer is responsible for the entire Mandal to expedite the process of supply ofcloth to the Schools and also to monitor the stitching process school wise and day wise and shall take a measures for safe custody of Uniforms.
⏩6. The DEOs Eo-DPOs (SSA) shall Coordinate with the oficials of Tsco regardin pply of uniform and furnish daily status report to the State Project Office, S and also closely monitor with MEOs complete the task as the Schedule ie., the stitched Uniforms should be distributed to the School Children on the day of re-opening of schools.
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