Present. Sri. G. Kishan, l.A.S
TS: dt 15.03.2018 Proc No.105 CMO/T8/SSA/2018 Conduct of Prof. Jaya Shankar BadiBata' Programme for the year 2018-19-Preparatory Programme from March 2018
Sub-TSSA Hyd-CMO- Conduct of Prof. Jaya Shankar BadiBata' Programme for the year 2018-19-Preparatory Programme- certain instructions-Reg.
All the District Educational Officers & Ex-DPO, SSA in the State are informed that it is proposed to conduct of Prof Jaya Shankar BadiBata' Programme for the Academic year 2018-19. In this regard the following preparatory programmes shall be organized in the month of March April 2018 l.
⏩ School Profiles:
Every Head Masters of Primary/Upper Primary Schools/High Schools shall prepare School profilei.e., total no.of School age children in the catchment area number enrolled, number of Out of School children, performance of the children status of receiving of Free Uniforms, Free Text books, Mid-Day Meals etc., andtargets for the year 2018-19
⏩ 2. Child Profile Every student must write their profile i.e.. Family background Aims and Goals, Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOTO support required etc. every School must prepare child profiles and keep them
⏩ 3. Enrolment Campaign Material Preparation ofSchool specific campaign material like phamplents, flexes on School performance and other highlights and Excellency in Academics.
⏩ 4. village Education ster Updation of the Village Education Register (VER)with the coordination of SMC's Teachers/CRPsAnganwadi workers and same information should be updated in Child Info website as and when the application is enabled in online Focus on 100 en r ment Primary Schools:
⏩ Prepare the list of School age Childrenin the catchment area feeding strength) for enrolment in the Schools. ie.. Primary Schools shall prepare list of 5 years age children in the catchment area and also from Anganwadiesso as to enroll them in class-l. All the Head Masters Teachers of Primary Schools shall interact with Anganwadi workers for enrolment of Children in their Schools Upper Primary /High Schools: must collect list of class V children from the primary Schools class VII children in Upper Primary Schools in the catchment area for the enrolment in the high Schools i e., class VI & VIll respectively
⏩ 6. Out of School Children: The exact number of Out of School children i.e.. never enrolled and dropout are not being reflected correctly. Therefore, the HMs of Primary, Upper Primary and High Schools shall prepare list of name wise all Out
⏩ Focus on '0' Zerol ess Enrolment Schools:
Identify the reasons for "Zero less enrolment' Schools and prepare special plan for improving enrolment by involving local communities and Public representatives. The MEos must plan with the concerned HMs Preparation for emedia Programme (LEP13Rs):
⏩ The HMs of Prima Schools. Upper Primary and High Schools shall prepare class wise list children who can't read and write and perform fundamental operations of Athematic (3Rs). These children can be supported through summer Schools if possible during April & May 2018
⏩ 9. Eresh ents for t year 2015-19: The HMs of Primary Schools sha prepare the list of outgoing children ie, class v children and hand over to nearby High Schools Upper Primary Schools for their 100% enrolment. Similarly the HMs of up primary Schools shall prepare the list of class VII VIII children and handover list to the HM of nearby High Schools and ensure 100% enrolment. The Head Masters/MEOS/SMC concerned must ensure for 100% transition from lower class to next higher class 10. Inform desk All the Head MastersofKGBV/URS Special officers shall set up an information and admission desk at their Schools in order to give admission to drop outs and monitor the entire admission process
⏩ School Development Plan:A the HMs of High School shall prepare schoo Development Plan with clear cut programmes, targets and action plan to improve the Academic Performance of both Teachers and Students for the Academic Year 2018-19 12. Door to Door ampai Preparation of action Plan for door to door campaign by the Head Masters and Teachers for the enrolment of all Children in the catchment area All the HMs have to meet the public representatives, sMc members, NGos Schools and inform that about the Badi Bata programme, preparatory working for activities and invite them to the School for a meeting to discuss preparatory activities and request them to participate in the Badi Bata Programme to be conducted during June 2018 Therefore, all the District Educational officers & Ex-DPO. sSA in the state are requested to issue necessary instructions to MEOsHead Masters in their Districts to initiate a preparatory programmes so as to conduct Prof. Jaya Shankar BadiBata Programme for the Academic year 2018-19. The day wise schedule and programme BadiBata will be communicated separately.
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