TS: Rc 8015 dt 14.03.18 Communication of Provisional Seniority lists of Non-teaching staff working in Telangana Residential Educational Institutions
Estt- TREI Society, Hyderabad- Rc 8015 dt 14.03.18 Communication of Provisional Seniority lists of Non-teaching staff working in Telangana Residential Educational Institutions -Reg
1) This office Proc. Rc. No. 4087/A1-2/2015, dt.27.06.2015
2) This office Proc.RC.No.132/C1-1/2017-18, dt.6.2.2018
Consequent on bifurcation of the staff between TREI Society and TMREI Society, the provisional seniority list (enclosed to these proceedings) of the following cadres presently working in TSR Schools and Junior Colleges is herewith communicated:
1. Sr Asst
2. Jr Asst/Typist
3. Record Assistant
4. Attender/Cook/MPW
⏩The Provisional seniority list of employees presently working in TRE Institutions now communicated, is without prejudice to the final allotment of staff between two States and shall be reviewed after final allocation of staff between two states. All the Principals of TSR Schools and Junior Colleges are hereby directed to communicate these orders to all the concerned staff working in their institutions under proper acknowledgement and to obtain grievances if any on the provisional seniority before 31.03.2018. Receipt of these proceedings should be acknowledged.
A Sathyanarayana Reddy,
The Principals of TSR Schools and Junior Colleges
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//t.c.f.b.o. SUPERINTENDENT.
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