Present: Sri. G. Kishan, IAS.,
Proc, Rc, No. 1018ISSAIT6/2018, Review meeting with Sectorial Officers II of the districts On Quality and IE Interventions of SSA on 13th & 14th March 2018 Deputation of the Sectorial Officers for the meeting
SSA, Telangana State, Hyderabad Pedagogy wing Review meeting with Sectorial Officers II of the districts On Quality and IE Interventions of SSA on 13th & 14th March 2018 Deputation of the Sectorial Officers for the meeting -Reg
All the District Educational Officers and Ex-officio Project Officers of SSA in the state are informed that it is scheduled to conduct review meetings with sectorial officers with the following agenda.
⏩ 1) Training of teachers at School Complex level target and achievements.
⏩ 2) Twinning of Schools -Final Report along with photos
⏩ 3) Shaala Siddhi Review on External Evaluation and expenditure particulars up to 28.02.2018
⏩ 4) District Consolidated Reports on LEP I3Rs
⏩ 5) Shagun Repository Items Best Practices. Testimonials, Images, Case Studies, Videos
⏩ 6) NAS 2017 results Kept in public domain, district-wise analysis -taking up follow-up actions-District specific
⏩ 7) Quality- approved budget for the year 2017-18, achievements up to February 2018 on the following activities. r Free Text books -classes from I to VIII Uniforms Classes from I to VIII Teachers' Salary -Regular and part time instructors Teacher Training Block Level, Cluster Level, R.Ps and Trainin under School Leadership. BRC Staff in position MIS Coords, DEOs, CwSN R.Ps and release of Grants CRC-Staff in Position CRPs and Release of Grants. r Release of Grants Schools and Teachers LEP Budgeted Activities Workbooks, Reading Corners, NCERT Science and Maths Kits, Mobile Library and Mobile Science Laboratories) CAL RAA activities Science Exhibitions, Training to Science and Maths Teachers at NIT, Warangal. Innovative activities Pade Bharat Bade Bharat, Twinning of Schools, Swachh Bharat, Swacch Pakhwada, etc Action taken on Proc Ro.No: 1476/Ser-IV-2/2016 dated: 23.09.2017 Status of Vidyanjali.
⏩ 8) Inclusive Education for CwSN: 1. IERPs working in Bhavitha Centres. 2. Home Based Education, Physiotherapy services, Minor Corrective Surgeries to CwSN etc.
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