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TS:Re, No. 612/Sci/SCERT-TS/2018 Dated: 29-03-2018 Implementation of INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Opening of online system for nominations under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme I" April 2018 to 30 June 2018

TS:Re, No. 612/Sci/SCERT-TS/2018 Dated: 29-03-2018 Implementation of INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Opening of online system for nominations under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme I" April 2018 to 30 June 2018


               Oo. SCERT, TS, Hyderabad Implementation of INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK Opening of online system for nominations under revamped INSPIRE Award Scheme I" April 2018 to 30 June 2018 Reg


                Lr. No. 1201171/2015 IAD, Dt. 27-03-2018 of Advisor and Head (NSTEDB), GOI, DST, New Delhi.


                  The attention of all the District Educational Officers, Principals DIETs, CTEs and IASEs in the state is invited to the reference cited, wherein Advisor and Head (NSTEDB), Gol, DST, New Delhi has informed that the INSPIRE Award Scheme is being revamped under the name INSPIRE AWARDS MANAK (Million Minds Augmenting National Aspiration and Knowledge) with basic objective to instill creative innovative thinking among school students in the age group of 10-15 years and studying in class 6th 10e. To align it with action plan for "Startup India" initiative launched by the Hon'ble Prime Minister of India He also informed that, for the year 2018-19, online nominations through E- Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) system would become open to all the schools w.e.f 1" April 2018. The nominations will remain open till 30-6-2018. The register schools under the INSPIRE Award MANAK Scheme, in each financial year, can nominate 2-3 best ideas from their schools through online mode in E-Management of INSPIRE Award Scheme (E-MIAS) webportal of the Department using the link ward Submission of project synopsis (in word or PDF format has now being made mandatory along with submission of online nominations Therefore all the DEOs in the state are requested to take necessary action to enroll the schools for the year 2018-19.


        Letter from DST Director, SCERT. Ts


   All the District Educational Officers in the state.

Copy to

the DIETs, CTEs and IASE in the state. Copy to the Regional Joint Directors in the state. Copy to the Director of School Education for kind information.



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