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AP: Dated: 09-04-2007 G.O. Ms. No.105 Medical amendments Attendance Rules for medical Reimbursement

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ABSTRACT APIMA Rules, 1972 Certain amendments to G.O.Ms.No.74, HM & FW (K1) Department, dated: 15-3-2005 Issued. HEALTH, MEDICAL AND FAMILY WELFARE (K1) DEPARTMENT

AP: Dated: 09-04-2007 G.O. Ms. No.105 Medical amendments Attendance Rules for medical Reimbursement

Read the following:

1) G.O. Ms. No. 74, HM&FW (K1) Deptt., dated 15-3-2005.
2) G.O Ms. No. 180, HM&FW (K1) Dept., dt.11-5-2006.
3) Representation from the Progressive Teachers Union, AP, Hyderabad Letter No. 49/2006, dt.22-3-2006.
4) Representation from the President/Secretary A.P.Secretariat Association, Hyderabad dt.18-4-2006.
5) Representation from the General Secretary, A.P.State Govt. Retired Employees Association, Sultan Bazar, Hyderabad, dated 22-4-2006.
6) Representation from the APNGOs Association, District Branch, Ananthapur through CMP No.10482/CMP/2006, dt.16-10-2006.
7) From the DME, A.P., Hyderabad RC. No. 20866/MA(l)A/2006 dated 16 4- 2006 and 9-11-2006.
8) From the DME Lr. No. 1797/LC-B/2006 dated 6-10-2006.
9) Representation from President/General Secretary, A.P. NGOs Association letter dated 27.11.2006


          Government have issued Andhra Pradesh Integrated Medical Attendance Rules, 1972, applicable to State Government employees and their dependents, employees of local bodies, students of Medical Colleges, members of State Legislature, A.I.S. Officers, A.P. State Higher Judicial Officers etc. Many Private Hospitals both in the State and out side the State have been recognized by the Government as referral hospitals, for the purpose of treatment for the above category of persons on reimbursement basis. Government have constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of the Director of Medical Education for review of rules and submission of recommendations. Accordingly, the said committee has submitted the report. Based on the said report, orders have been issued liberalizing the



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