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AP: Memo.No.673128/D1/2017 Dated:24.04.2018. Opening of PF Accounts to the Employee &. Teachers working in Urban Local Bodies


Memo.No.673128/D1/2017 Dated:24.04.2018. Opening of PF Accounts to the Employee &. Teachers working in Urban Local Bodies


      Establishment MA&UD Dept. Opening o PF Accounts to the Employee &. Teachers working in Urban Local Bodies in the State Orders - Issued Regarding.


     1. From the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, Letter Roc. No.6 125/2010/13, Dated 16/10/2010 21/C5/2012, 03/02/2014 & 31/07/2015

    2. From the DMA, AP Letter No.6125/2010/J3, Dated

      3. Frum Ms.ema Munivenkatappa, IA&AS, Special Secretary to

    4. From the DMA. AP, Guntur Letter Roc.No.6125/2010/J3-3, 5. Reresentations of certain MLCs (Teacher Constituences 1/02/2014 Govt., Finance Department, D.O Letter. No.47410A/226/ A3 /HRM.V/2015, Dated 30/09/2015 Dated 10/07/2017 certain Teacer Associations, A.P.Municipal Ministerial Employecs Associati and te Municipal Employccs & Workers Joit Action Commtee.


              In the circumstances as stated by the Director of Municipal Administration, A.P Guntur in the references cited, the proposal for opening of PF Accounts for Municipa Teachers and Emplcyees as been examined detail ad fel that the PF accounts hav to be opened in respect ofthe Mncipal Teachers workingi Urban Local Bodie and Municipal Employees working in all the Urban Loca Bodies except Greate Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporato and Vijayawada Municipal Corporation as th employees o Graer Visakliapaa Mucip Corporation and Vijayawada Municipa Corporation are not yet covered uncer 010-salaries 2. Accordingly, Goverment hereby order for opening of PF Accounts for Municipa Teachers working in all Urban Local Bodies and Municip Employees working in al th Urban Local Bodies except Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Vijayawad Municipal Corpora duly following the procedure which is being followed in respect c Zilla Parishad Employees and Teacers. The Directo of Municipal Administratin. A.P., Gunur , therefore, requested t 3 take further necessary action in the matter accordingly 4.This Memo issues with the concurrence of the Finance (HR.V) Departmen vid their U.O.No.34021/120/HR.V, Dated 04/04/2018. R. KARIKAL VALAVEN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVERNMEN To The Director of Municipal Administration, A.P. Guntur. Copy to: Finan HR.V) Department. OSD to Minister (MA&UD Tle MLCs (Teacher Conuences) cced The Teachers Associations concerned The A.P. Mun cipal Miisterial Employces Association. The Muncipal Employes & Workers Joint Action Committee G-Section. MA&UD Departe A.P. Secretariat Sc/sf //FORWARDED:: BY ORDER/I ION OFFICER



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