AP: Rc No 26, dated 06.04.2018 Launch of Vidya vikaasam program by Hon'ble MHRD for State and State Level Dissemination workshop
School Education- Assessments -conduct of Launch of Vidya vikaasam program by Hon'ble MHRD for State and State Level Dissemination workshop and review of district performance by all key district level official Dissemination of Assessment insights INAS, SLAS, ASER, SA1, review of district performance and presentation by districts of their Action plan- Vidya vikaasam Program- Certain instructions for participation issued -Reg
1. Sunrise Andhra Pradesh Vision 2029 n framework, goals and strategies i in School Education]
2. Memo No 420155 Prog l/A1/2016, dt 3-2-2017 of Principal Secretary, School Education Department, Andhra Pradesh
3. Minutes of Meeting of the 1st Steering Committee Meeting on TeSAR dt.29-o6-17 released by SCERT
4. Minutes of Meeting chaired by Joint Director and conve by Director, scERT (teleconference with cssL Vidya vikaasam review) dated O8 117
5. Instructions of Hon ble Chief Minister during the collectors conference, dated 19.01.18
6. Minutes of video conference conducted with dist als on 29.03.18
The kind attention of the Regional rectors of School Education and District Educational Officers in the state is reference 1" cited, that the Hon'ble Chief Minister's vision for School Education and his direction that Andhra Pradesh should be one of equip its igned and initiatives being taken up by the School Education Department to students with grade appropriate literacy and numeracy competencies, as well as with knowledge and skills relevant for the 21st century
⏩ Recent Assess surveys such as National Achievement survey [NAS] 2017, Annual Survey of Education ort LASER), 2017 and Student Learning Survey ISLAS] rning levels of school students in Andhra Pradesh and 2017-18 indicate the grade specific the academic gaps that need to be addressed. Specifically, while Andhra Pradesh performs well and the Top 3 Nationally class is decline in performance of students as they go to High Schools. Additionally, the recent Summative Assessment -1 result highlighted the immediate need for sustainable interventions to improve learning skills of children. Links to specific survey reports are included below. 1) Link to NAS Reports: htt ic.inlprogrammesLNASLNAS htm 2) Link to NAS Dashboard: ubl shar 74 HH nt 3) Link to ASER Reports h rd htm 4) Link to SLAS Reports: h
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