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G.O.Ms.No.145 Dated : 15.06.2004. Imposition of penal clause for non-joining the post on appointment otherwise than by direct recruitment - Amendment to Rule 11(b) of the said rules


Andhra  Pradesh  State   and Subordinate  Service  Rules, 1996  –  Imposition of penal clause   for   non-joining  the  post  on appointment otherwise  than by  direct  recruitment  -  Amendment to Rule 11(b)  of the  said  rules  –  Issued. --   -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  --  -  -  -  -  --  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - 


G.O.Ms.No.145 Dated :  15.06.2004. Imposition of penal clause   for   non-joining  the  post  on appointment otherwise  than by  direct  recruitment  -  Amendment to Rule 11(b)  of the  said  rules

Read the following:-    

1.         G.O.Ms.No.147 G.A.(Ser.D) Dept., dated 16.5.2003.

2.         Govt. Lr.No.56073/Ser.D/2003-6,dated : 7.2.2004.

3.         From the Secreary, APPSC,Lr.No.465/RR/2/2004, dated  2.6.2004. --:--


           In  Andhra  Pradesh State  and Subordinate  Service  Rules, 1996 joining  time is prescribed both for appointment by  direct recruitment and for  appointment by  promotion / transfer.   In  case  of appointment by promotion /  transfer the  existing  time limit  is 15  days  from the  date of receipt of the appointment order.  Failure  to join duty  in the  post  for  which the employee  is appointed by  promotion /  transfer results in forfeiture  of the  present and future  rights of promotion / appointment by  transfer.  As a  result of the  above condition, a government  employee  who does not  join in the promotion post  within the stipulated time  loses his promotion rights to the next higher category  permanently.   It is noticed that for  several reasons employees could not  join in the  promotion posts in the allowed time.  To  mitigate the  hardship to the Government employees,  the Government decided  to consider, such of those  Government employees  who could not  join duty  in the  promotion posts, in the  next panel  year. Accordingly  Government  have  decided to issue  the following  amendment to rule 11(b)  of Andhra  Pradesh State  and  Subordinate  Service  Rules,1996.

  2. The  following  notification will  be  published  in the  Extraordinary  issue  of  the   Andhra  Pradesh


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