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AP: Rc No 20024 , DT 08.05.2018 Transfers and Postings of Muncipal Employees-Guidelines/Instructions


0/0.Director of Municipal Adrninistration., AP, Guntur Dt.08-0S-2018

Rc No , DT 08.05.2018 Transfers and Postings of Muncipal Employees-Guidelines/Instructions



       Public Services -Human Resources-Transfers and Postings of Employees-Guidelines/Instructions-Orders-Issued.


       G.O.Ms.No.54 FinanceDept.,Dt.02.05.2018


         The attention of all the ROMAsinthe State are invited to there ference cited, where in Governmen thave relaxed ban on General transfers and postings of employees in the State of AndhraPradesh from 05.05.2018 to 04.06.2018 to ensure right placement of employees to secure optimum productivity and commitment to further anceof Government development objectives.The following principles may bead opted while effecting transfer of employees.

       ⏩ A.Transfers shall be effected only on the following grounds:-

i)Mutual Grounds

      ⏩ B. Employees seeking transfer on these grounds shall be completed three years of continuous service in all cadres at the presentstation. Station means place (City.Town,Village) of actual working for the purpose of transfers and not office orinstitution.

   ⏩ C. Transfers on request shall be considered by the competent authority only against an existing clear vacancy.

   i)Request transfers shall be considered by the competent authorities only in respect of employees fulfilling one or more of the conditions mentioned below:

   a.Visually challenged persons

b.Employees with disabilities 0[40% or more as certified by a competent authority-as per "Persons with disabilities".

c.Husband and Wife cases (only one of the spouses shall be shifted following the prescribed procedure).Once the facility is utilised, then extrequest can be made only after eight years.

d.Employees having mentally challenged children to a place where medical facilities are availablee. Widow employee appointed on Compassionate basis

f.Medical grounds for the diseases (either self or spouse or dependent children and dependent parents)of Cancer,Open Heart Operations. NeuroSurgery, Kidney Transplantation to places where such facilities available.

II.Whilen considering there quest transfers based on above conditions, preference shall be given to the employee with the longest tenureata particular duty station, seniority in the cadre and out standing performance record.

D.Incase of mutual transfers, both the employees seeking transfer on mutual grounds shall have complete three (3) years of service at their present respective stations.

E.Transfers on mutual grounds or request grounds shall not bed one between the offices located in same station

2.Therefore, the under signed has decided the following procedure to submit Transfer applications through online in the cdrnawebsite@www.cdma.ap.gov.in:
-i)Eligible employee can apply transfer request through online only before15.05.2018 as per following procedure:-www.andhrateac


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