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TS: GOMS No 56 , Dt 17.05.2018 DR to Pensioners Effected From 01.07.2018

TS: GOMS No 56 , Dt 17.05.2018 DR to Pensioners Effected From 01.07.2018


             Government hereby order the revision of Dearness Relief to pensioners sanctioned in the G.O. 11th above from 24.104 % of the pension to 25.676 % w.e.f 01.07.2017 in respect of : -
(i) Those who retired from service after 01.07.2013 and are drawing pension in the Revised Pay Scales, 2015
(ii) Those who retired prior to 01.07.2013 and whose pension was consolidated in the light of orders issued in the G.O. 3dread above

          2. Government also hereby order the revision of rate of Dearness Relief from 102.72 % to 105.288 % with effect from 01.07.2017 to the pensioners who are drawing their pension in revised pay scales, 2010 and not consolidated in terms of the orders issued in the reference 3 read above.

        3. Government also hereby order the revision of rate of Dearness Relief to the pensioners who retired while drawing UGC Pay Scales 2006 from 01.01.2006 from 136 % to 139 % w.ef. 01.07.2017

       4. Government also hereby order the revision of rate of Dearness Relief to the pensioners/family pensioners whose pension was consolidated as per orders issued in G.O.Ms.No.54, Higher Education (UE.II) Department, dated.08.06.2011 and G.O.Ms.No.31, Higher Education ( UE.II ) Department , dated.24.05.2013 from 136 % to 139 % with effect from 01.07.2017

         5. Government also hereby order the revision of rate of Dearness Relief sanctioned vide G.o.Ms.No.4, Law (Law & J-SC.F) Department, dated.06.0 1.2011 to the Pensioners who are drawing pension as per Justice E , Padmanabhan Committee report from 136 % to 139 % with effect from 01-07-2017

         6. These orders are applicable to: (1) (a)All government Pensioners in receipt of Service Pensions Family Pensions under Revised Pension Rules,1951, Andhra Pradesh Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules 1964 (b)Teaching and Non Teaching pensioners of Municipalities Panchayat Raj Institutions and Aided Educational Institutions, in receipt of pensions under the Andhra Pradesh Liberalised Pension Rules, 1961 and Andhra Pradesh Government Servants (Family Pension) Rules, 1964 (c) Teaching and Non Teaching staff in Aided Educational Institutions in receipt of pensions under the Contributory



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