TS: Rc.No.Spl/MDM/2015 Dated:-19-04-2016 Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme to the students for classes I-V, VI -VIII and IX-X in all the Schools
SE Department- Implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme to the students for classes I-V, VI -VIII and IX-X in all the Schools in the State except Hyderabad-certain guidelines issued
-000- ORDER
The attention of the District Educational Officers in the State except Hyderabad is invited to the subject read above and they are informed that the Government has taken decision to serve the Mid Day Meal to all the students for classes I to X during Summer Vacation 2016-17. Therefore the following guidelines are issued to the DEOs with a request to adhere in providing the Mid Day Meal to the students strictly.
⏩ 1) Headmasters/ Teachers who are presently supervising MDM shall continue to supervise on rotation basis.
⏩ 2) The schools shall function from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 a.m. and allow the students to go home after taking MDM.
⏩ 3) School Management Committees, Sarpanches, Ward Members and functionaries of other departments shal be involved wherever necessary to ensure transparency
⏩ 4) H.M. of the schools shall engage cooking agencies during summer vacation period also
⏩ 5) Rice was released 1 quarter for the classes I to VIII and IX and X. DEOs to utilize the same for the vacation period also
⏩ 6) All MEOs shall hold a meeting with HMs of the schools in all Mandals and fix the responsibility of the teacher day-wise to attend school during vacation on rotation basis in respect of all Mandals.
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