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Entitle Points For Teacher's Transfers

Entitle Points For Teacher's Transfers

*General  Information Of TEACHERS TRANSFERS*

*Entitlement Points:* 

*Points for Teachers  Transfers are based on Total Service Rendered & Category of Post.*

*Service rendered points*
*All Teachers get— *0.041* points for Every Completed Month of their Service.*

*Category points*
*_Category_ I* (20% or above *HRA* places)
1 point/ Yearly (or)
0.083points/ month

*_Category_ II* (14.5% *HRA* places)
2 points/ Yearly (or)
0.16points/ month

*_Category_ III* (12% *HRA* places)
3 points/ Yearly (or)
0.25points/ month

*_Category_ IV* (12% *HRA* places, Which has no transportation as per norms of panchayathraj Deportment )
5 points/ Yearly (or)
0.416points/ month

Ex: if the Service is 3yrs &2 months & post is in category -III
Service points >> 38(months) *X*  0.041= 1.558
Category of place points
>> 38(months)X0.25 =9.5
Total points =1.558+9.5
= *11.058*

*Preferential Categories*
*The following categories shall take precedence in the seniority list, in the order given below, irrespective of their entitlement points.*
*a. Physically handicapped*
i.e., those with not less than 70% Visually challenged / ortho-handicap./  Hearing Impaired has to produce SADAREM Certificate or Medical Board certificate.
*b. Widows.* 
*c. Legally separated women* and not remarried.
*d. Head Master, Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher who is suffering with the following diseases, in which he/she is undergoing treatment:*
I. Cancer.
II. Open Heart Surgery.
III. Neuro-Surgery.
IV. Bone T.B.
V. Kidney / Liver/ Heart Transplantation.

*e. Applicants with dependent children who are mentally retarded/ suffering from Leukaemia        (Blood Cancer) and are undergoing treatment.*

*f. g. Applicants’ Children suffering with holes in the heart by birth and undergoing medical treatment available only at specified places to which they are seeking transfers. Applicants with dependant children suffering from Juvenile Diabetes*

_*Special Points*_ (Extra points )

a. *The President and General Secretary of the  Teachers' Associations having OD facility in terms at the State and District Levels are eligible for ten (10) points.*

b. *Ten (10) points for un-married Head Mistress, GrII / Female Teacher. c. Ten (10) points for Head Master Gr.II (Gazetted) / Teacher, whose spouse is working in State Government or Central Government or Public Sector undertaking or Local Body or Aided Institution in the same District and opted for transfer nearer to and towards the place of working of his/her spouse, benefit of spouse points shall be applicable to the Head Master  Gr.II (Gazetted) once in (5) years and Teachers once in (8) years. An entry shall be made in this regard in the Service Book. A copy of the Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be enclosed to the check list to consider cases under this category.*

*Rationalization Points:*
_(a) *For the Teachers who are affected by rationalization process they are eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured. The Teachers who have completed (8) years service are not eligible for 10 points extra over and above already secured.*_
_(b) *The Teachers who were transferred during last  counseling  and could not be relieved for want of substitute  shall be relieved forthwith if posts exist after rationalization. If post does not exist  after rationalization, he/she  shall  participate in transfer  counseling and is entitled fo (5) additional points.*_

*Performance Related Extra Entitlement Points :*
a) *The Teachers who have got National award issued by the Central Government will get (15) and who have got State award issued by the State Government will get (10) points respectively . He/she is eligible for only one category whichever is highest.*
b) Entitlement points for Performance :  (i) (ii) Results of SSC in concerned subject for Teachers and overall percentage to HMs for High Schools only :
For 100% Results – 2.5 points.
For 99% to 95% Results – 2 points.
For 94% to 90% Results – 1 Point.
Resource  persons  conducted training programmes of SSA or  RMSA  for the last  three years.
State level – 5 points.
District level – 4points.
Mandal level -2 points.

  *Provided that  they should enclose a Certificate issued by the District Educational Officer  in respect of State and District level trainings and Project  Officer, RVM in respect of Mandal level trainings.*

♻ *NOTE* *This is only for Awareness, Guidelines may have Some changes*



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