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Process for Excercising Web Options

Process for Excercising Web Options:

Step 1: HM/Teacher need to log on Below


Step 2: Click Submission of web options

Step 3: Enter their Reference ID, OTP the verification code received through their registered mobile. (it is advised to give the working conditioned mobiles only) .r

Step 4: After this web option, screen will be displayed with following auto populated values.
a. Name of the Teacher
b. Treasury ID
c. Category of the post
d. Subject
e. Medium
f. Whether 8 years completed or not?
g. Whether effected by Rationalisation
h. Present working Place, Mandal etc.

Step 5: The HM/Teacher who comes under compulsory transfer, they have to choose all the available vacancies except their present working place.Others may select at least one vacancy.

Step 6: Then after the Name of Mandals where the vacancies are available including the vacancies likely to be arose gets displayed on the left side column of the screen.

Step 7: The Mandals have to be selected in the preferential order as desired by Teacher. The selected Mandals will be moved to right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the Mandals by moving up or down.

Step 8: After selection of Mandals then need to press SUBMIT button to get the school names where the vacancies are available.

Step 9: After submit button, the next screen geta_djsplayed with two columns. In r`V
the left column of the screen the schools names gets displayed as in the order of preferential Mandals choliby the individual.

Step 10: As in the case of selection 4441hdal, here also, School Names are to be tf selected in thepreferential order for web counselling and selected school names will be moved right side column of the screen in the selected order. In right side column of the screen, there is also a provision to change the selection order of the School names by moving up or down.

Step 11: After selecting all the details, press PREVIEW button. This will display the details submitted by them.

Step 12: If they found that all the details are correct, press SUBMIT otherwise press EDIT and resubmit the information.

Step 13: Editing of web option is allowed for ONE time by sending OTP to their registered Mobiles.

Step 14: Based on the web options exercised by the individual and Seniority of the teacher, the allotment process will be done and transferred teachers' details along with proceedings will be hosted in the website.

Click here to download pdf Forms of Web Option Exercise 


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