Tribal Welfare Department Rules The Telangana Tribal Welfare Department Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2018 Notified Orders Issued
TS: G.O.Ms.No.23 Dated: 07-06-2018 Tribal Welfare Department Rules The Telangana Tribal Welfare Department Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2018 Notified Orders Issued
Read the following:
G.O.Ms.No.12, Tribal Welfare (LTR) Dept. dt.25.6.2015.
2. G.0.Ms.No.61, Finance (HRM.I) Department, dt.24.5.2018.
3. Circular Memo.No.2934-A/334/A1/HRM.1/2018, Finance (HRM.I) Dept. dt.2.6.2018
Government in the reference 1 read above have iss Telangana Tribal Welfare Department Teachers (Regulation of Transters) Rules, 2015 for effecting transfers of the categories of Head Masters Grade liGazetted), School Assistants and Secondary Grade Teachers and their equivalent ca Tribal Welfare Department Schools in the State of Telang s framing The categories working in the Government t have relaxed the ban on Now, in the reference 2 read above, transfers for the period from 25.5.2018 to 15.6.2018 and also issued certain be followed while effecting transfers of e Further, in the reference 3rd read above, Government have also issued certain clarifications in regard to applicability plementation of above orders. Accordingly, in supersession Transfer Rules issued in the reference 1t read above and other guidelines/clarifications issued in the references 2nd and 3d read above Government hereby issue the The Telangana Tribal Welfare Department (Regulation of Transfers) Rules, 2018 for effecting transfers of Head Masters Grade II (Gazetted), School Assistants, SG Tea other equivalent categories working in Government Tribal Welfare Department Schools tn the State of Telangana during 2018-19.
1. Transfer coupseling constituted herein. All trarafer thall be made by way of counselling through Transfer Committees as ule of transfers as ordered in GO Ms.No.61, Finance (HRM.I) Dept. dt.24.5.2018 shall be followed scrupulously The following procedure shall be followed to ensure transparency in transfer of i) Competent Authority may obtain up to five options for preferential places (p.t.o) employees: of transfers from the employees in the prescribed proforma in Annexure-lI
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