AP G.O.MS.No. 116 Dated: 30-07-2018 Treasury and Accounts service Rules 1962 – Amendments Orders
Read thhe following:
1. G.O. Ms. No 953, GGeneral Administration Department, Dt. 29-006-1962.
2. G.O. Ms.No.116, FFinance (Admn.I) Department, Dt.02-05-19888 .
3. G.O. Ms.No.161, FFinance (Admn.I) Department, Dt.07-07-20077.
Government have issuedd Adhoc Rules for the post of Joint Director in Treasuries and Accounts Department in thhe G.O. second read above.
Subsequently, Governmment have issued Adhoc Rules for the post oof Additional Director in Treasuries and Accoounts Department in the G.O. third read abovve.
Further, Government haave decided to amend the Andhra Pradesh Trreasuries and Accounts Service Rules suitablyy.
Accordingly the followinng notification will be published in the A.P. GGazette:
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