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AP: Pay Revision Commission Questionnaire PRC

AP: Pay Revision Commission Questionnaire PRC


                      BACK GROUND               

       Salary or Pay is a pre-determined monetary compensation paid at fixed intervals to the employees by the employer in return for the work performed. In a typical formal organization the employees also enjoy certain benefits from out of the service conditions under which they are employed viz. Career Advancement Scheme, Retirement Benefits, Special Allowances etc. Since we are living in dynamic times the structure of the pay packet as well as some of the service conditions need to be periodically revised and adjusted to adequately take care of the changing working environment, e.g. rise in the cost of living, increasing demands of the job performed, need for up-gradation of employees skill levels as well as the evolving aspirational levels of the employees. To examine these aspects, the Andhra Pradesh State Government has been constituting Pay Revision Commissions at 5/6 yearly intervals. The 11th such PRC was recently constituted by the Government to inter alia determine the principles which should govern the emoluments and service conditions of the employees of the State Government, Local Bodies, Aided institutions, Non-teaching staff of State Universities, Work Charged employees and full-time contingent employees duly taking into account the total package of the benefits available to them.               The core components of the pay/pension packet of a Government employee consist of (1) Basic Pay, (2) Dearness Allowance/Dearness Relief and (3) House Rent Allowance and City Compensatory Allowance depending upon the station (not applicable to pensioners). While Basic Pay/Pension and Special Allowances get revised periodically once in 5/6 years based on the recommendations of the PRC and the decision of the Government thereon, Dearness Allowance/Relief (DA/DR) provides for a concurrent compensation to take care of the fluctuations in the cost of living index as captured in the twelve monthly moving average of the All India Consumer Price Index for the Industrial Workers and computed by the Labour Bureau, Shimla. The House Rent Allowance (HRA) takes care of the expenditure incurred by the employee on housing and City Compensatory Allowance takes care of higher cost of living in selected cities. The Special Allowances render a financial support to the employees for performing jobs of special or arduous nature or those involving elements of risk and employees who deserve special support e.g – Differently Abled employees. Needless to say, all components of the pay and allowances packet need to be reviewed comprehensively in a holistic manner so as to take care of the changing working environment.    The State of Andhra Pradesh had earlier constituted ten Pay Revision Commissions.  An Anomalies/Regrouping Committee followed the 1986 Pay Revision while Anomalies Committees followed the 1993, 1999, 2005 and 2010 Pay Revisions.



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