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AP: Rc.No. 251 /APMS/2026 10 07-2018 Salary bills of the Model Schools teachers, outsourcing and staff of the DEO Office should be submitd as per Manual every month to the State Office-Orders Isued Reg


Present: K. Sondhya Ran, IPS

AP: Rc.No. 251 /APMS/2026 10 07-2018 Salary bills of the Model Schools teachers, outsourcing and staff of the DEO Office should be submitd as per Manual every month to the State Office-Orders Isued Reg


       AP. Secondary Edacotion Society Model Schools -Salary bills of the teachers, outsourcing and staff of the DEO Office should be submitd as per Manual every month to the State Office-rdes Isued Re


            This Office 25AAM5/2016, CL02-02-2018 and a-07-208 The attention of cne Regloral Joint Dlractors of School Educstlon in the State is tead 1. Manual for Management of Anchra Pradesh Mackal Schcos. rw ted to the refrunces read abowe and they are informed hot, the Commissaer School Education and Tx-Officio roject Director, Anthra Peadush, Amarawati hss sued instructions in the ree cited to Princlpa's, eslant Dractors, Accounts Officers taf APMS / RMSA 2nd District tucabonai OMices or Chapter 4 elians 4.1.Fer Principals s per 4.11. the Principals shall pregere slary bils arrear bils af ll st ncduding sell and shal forwand to the District Educational o icer every month fram 2 to25throuch online Fer am delay in this rege, thn Principal shall be held esponiblc. Iany leave is grontod la the slaff ater0 of the rianth which requires eduztions from the salary already drawn for the peried, the recovery from the staff l be done in s per 42.1, the Pasistart director shali moitor the salry bils / arrear bils for susmssion theough online to reach the Distriet Education Office from 20 25 of every morth and the same shall be get spproved by tha District Ed cationol Officer after thorough venficatian try th Accounts Ofmfcer of RMSA. The salary biis faers ils shall reach the State offise shrough anlise frem 25to2 of every manth. par 433 the Accoun Officer shoil runiz all the Salary bils/Amear E3 and submeit the sae to the Diszrict Educational Offcer with coefimation of Comactnass ofbills whin the tire frame. s per 44.2.he Dstict Educational Officer and Ex-Offcio Frojnet Cuordieanor hall menitor the process of salury bis and shall sppr lis after thereugh verlficaion and shal take ssry action to reach the bils to the Scate Offics from 25co8 of every menth


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