Present Sri P. Madan Mohan, M.Com..M..sw...B.Ed
PN. LIEPKMM/2018 DL7.07.2018
Sub: School education Pedagogy.
Implementation of learning
Enhancement Programme (LEP) in Elementary and High Schools
for lll to IX classes in the District to improve the foundation skills
of Reading Writing and Arthamatic and also class specific skills
implementation Rent
Rel Meeting Minutes of the State Project Director Hyderabad with
Sectoral Officers
Dt: 30.06.2018
All the Headmasters of PS/UPS/HS are informed that learning Enhancement
programme (LPR) has been implemented during the year 2017-16 from August
m Dember 2017 in the District with the objective of achievement 100%
foundation skills of Reading Writing and Arithmetie for class III to IX. But on observing
the pont tout data and state level monitoring team report, the achievement in LEP 3
is not satisfactory and it needs to be improve
Therefore, it is decided to implement the LEP programme for the year
2018-19 In this and the Headmasters are instructed to follow the instructions
LEPR programme commences from 10.07.2016 to 31.08.2018 (50 days)
i) Conduct the pre-test on 10.07.2015 for III to IX classes
Use the same schedule (Timetable) given in the last year.
iv) Use the LEPs formats, modules which were supplied last year.
v) Conduct the test for every (10) dny.
Maintain all records and registere for verifying District and State Monitoring
Therefore, all the MEOs and Ms of PS/UPS and High Schools Headmaster are
instructed to follow the above instructions without deviation
District Educational Officer &
Ex. Officio, DPO.SSA, Khammam
Very nice and useful
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