Teacher Constituencies Teangana Legislative – Educational Institutions not lower in tians that of a secondary school - Notfication under Section 27(3b) of the
Dated: 8" February, 2017
Read the following:
1. CEo's Letter No.3084/ElecsE/A3/2016-1, dt04112015
2. From the E.C.I. Letter No.30/LC/LET/EC/FUNC/ERD/ ER/2016, dt.09.01.2017
The following notification will be published in the TelanganaState Gazette ATION Whereas, the list of educational institutions not lower in standard than that of a secondary school has been notified vide G.OMs.No.537, General Administration (Elecs F) Department dated 28.09.2006 and G.O.Ms No 644. General Admn(Ekecs Dept, dt 09.11.2008 by the united Andhra Pradesh State with the concurrence of the Elecion Commission of India under clause (b) of sub-section (3) of Section 27 of the Representation of People Act, 1950. Whereas, the said list is being adopted for Telangana State il date ater bifurcation of united Andhra Pradesh Act, 2014 and it requires modifications in respect of nomenclature of certain institutions and addition of new institutions: Representaion of the Pople Act, 1950 (Central Act XL of 1950), the Government of Telangana hereby specifties afresh, with the concurrence of the Election Commission of India that for the purpose of elections to the Legislative.Council of the State of Telangana in the Teachers Constiruencies, the educational institutions within the State which are mentioned in the Schedule below are not lower in standard than that of a secondary school:
1. All Arts, Science, Commerce, Professional and Technological Colleges affiliated to al Universities in Telangana established under the Acts of the Central or State Govemment (ExNALSAR, ISB.II, NIFT etc.) and all University Colleges maintained by the above Universities.
2. All Government Institutions / Institutions recognized by the Government of Telangana, and falling under the following categories:
0 High Schools
Q Special Schools (Hearing impaired, Mentaly retarded, Visually impaired, Orthopaedically Handicapped, Reformatory Schools and Oriental Schools)
(w) Pandit Training Colleges
(n) Coeges of Physical Education
(v) Junior Colleges
(vi) Oriental Colleges
(vi) Sanskiit Colleges
(i Advanced Sanskrit Schools
(). District Institutes of Education and Training )
Integrated Educational Schools
(i) Musjc & Dance Colleges
(i Vocational Junior Colieges
n) Oiental High Schools
(xdv). Arabic High Schools
(v) Arabic Colleges
(»vi) JawaharNavodayaVidyalayas
() KendriyaVidyalaya
vi Residential High Schools run by Telangana State Residential Educational Institutions Socilety (TSREIS), Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational
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