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Siddipet: Rc. No. TSSA/BWAMO2018-19 Date: 24-7-2018 Conduction of Sclence Month Celebrations - Registrations and Inspire Nominations Orientation to Science & EVS teachers


Siddipet: Rc. No. TSSA/BWAMO2018-19 Date: 24-7-2018 Conduction of Sclence Month Celebrations - Registrations and Inspire Nominations Orientation to Science & EVS teachers


       Dist-Collector, Siddipet -Quality Initiatives Conduction of Sclence Month Celebrations Registrations and Inspire Nominations Orientation to Science & EVs teachers-Orders -lssued-Reg


      Note Approved by the District Collector, Siddipet dated: 25 05.2018


          All the Mandal Educational Officers, are hereby informed that a half day orientation on .  Conducting Science Festival Celebrations and uploading the school data pertaining to Inspire Registrations and Nominations for inspire awards to all Science teachers and Primary EVS teachers working in the district as per the Schedule given below St. Date Resource Persons Venue Mandals In-charge M.Mural, SGT, PS Bandaram 8 Maneela S. Buchi Babu, PGT, TSMS Inkode Md Sadat AI, SA. ZPHS Dhamajpet P. Ashok, SA, ZPHS Akunocr Kotesh, SA ZPHS Akkenapaly Ch Narsimha Chary SGT, PS Kondapak Nagasamudrala Akannapet & GCDO Bojanki trahimnogarChinnakodur&Ramesh 207.2018arNanganoor M Ramesh K Venkat Reddy, SA, ZPHS Khajipur 26.07.2018 TSMS P. Rajamoull, SA, ZPHS Maddur P Bagvan SA ZPHS Chittapur K.Srinivas Reddy,SGT, PS Kukunurpaly Dr. T Ramesh, K. Srinivas, SA, ZPHS Thipparam 3 26.07.2018 TSMS Irkode Siddoet P. Ravinder reddy, POT, TSMS Itkode Mallesham SA. Pothare Urban&Rural 0-2 K. Manender Reddy, SGT, MPPS K Mahender Pancharai thanda Gawel & 428.07 2018 TsMS Cael Jagadevpur DSO Ravinder Reddy, PGT TSMS Mirdoddi ch. Nersimha Chary, SGT, PS Kondapak Dutbak, 5 27.07.2018 TSMS Mirdoddi Mirdoddl &s0 M.Ramesh K Venkat Reddy SA, ZPHG Khajipur so-1 P. Rajamoul SA, ZPHS Maddur P Bagvan, SA ZPH9 Chittapur K. Mahender FR Thogula Wargal ancharai thanda Ravinder Reddy, PGT, TSMS Mirdoddi SK Hafeezuddin, SA 2PHS Ahmedipur TSMS Mulugu Mulugu & DSO Vishnuwardhan M. Mural, SGT, P5 Bandararm Asst 27 07 2018 Markock 27.07 2018 TSMS Doulthabad &Redty S. Buchi Babu, PGT, TSMS kode Md Sadat A, SA, ZPHS Dharmajpet Doulathabad Raipole Secretary, P Ashok, SA, ZPHS Akunoor K Srnivas Reddy, SGT, PS Kukunurpaly Cherial, Komuravelly & so2 Dr. T Ramesh, K. Srinivas, SA, ZPHS Thipparam 27.072018 TSMS 50-2 P Ravinder reddy, PGT, TSMS Irkode Mallesham SA Pothireddypet Musthyala Maddur Hence, all the Mandal Educational Officers and Headmasters / SOs/ Principals of all schools are requested to relieve the teachers concerned to attend the training programme as per the schedule District Educational Officer & Ex- Officio DPO, TSSA Siddipet District

To, all the Mandal Educational Officers in the District for necessary action Ai the Headmasters/ Princpals/Spl Oficers af Gow ZPI TSMS& KGBVs in the District


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