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TS: Cir 1149 Dated.06.07.2018 CPS Extension of benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Government employees covered by CPS (NPS) Operational Guidelines


TS: Cir 1149 Dated.06.07.2018 CPS Extension of benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Government employees covered by CPS (NPS) Operational Guidelines


        CPS Extension of benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Government employees covered by CPS (NPS) Operational Guidelines Issued.

Ref: . G.O.Ms.No. 60, Finance (IIRM. V) Department, dated.23.05.2018 2. Letter No.D1/2397/2018, dt.23.05.2018 of DIA, Telangana, Hyderabad.


            In the reference 1 cited, Governrnem have issued orders extending the benefits of Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Government employees who are covered by CPS (NPS) and it was a so ordered that operational guidelines shall be issued separately

       2. I the reference 2d cited the DTA. Telangana, Hyderabad has proposcd the guidelines for the smooth implementation of extension of Reirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Government employees covered by CPS (NPS)

      3. Government after carcful examiraticn of the matter hereby issue the following operational guidelines for extending the benefits of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity to the State Gevernment employees who are covered by CPS (NPS) . Calculation of Retirement Gratuity and Death Gratuity As per the provisions and conditions prescribed under TS Revised Pension Rules 1980 from time to time 2. Authorities competent to sanction DCRG As per the delegation or powers seactioned in G.O. Ms. No. 208 Finance (P.S.C.) Department dt. 04-06-2010 and as per tbe further orders issued, if any, from time to time. 3. Authorisation of DCRG Applicaticn Form for Retirement Gratuity as prescribed in "he DD0 shall forward the the G.O.Ms.263, Finance (PSC) Department, dated.23.11.1998 along with Service Reg.ster of the employee concemed a. b. The Accountant General (A&E), Andhra Pradesh shall be the competent authority, to issue authorisations for Death Cum Retirement Gratuity to the State Government employees covered by CPS (NPS) and their family members c. The Audit Officers of the State Audit Department in cach District and in the case of Headquarers the Audit Oficer werking in the Olice of the Director of State Audit Hyderabad shall be the competen: authority to issue authorizations for Death Cum Retirement Gratuity in respeet of Class-IV and other low paid employees i.c. Police constables, Head constables, Excise constables & Forest guard etc.


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