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TS: Rc.No.44/PS2-2/2018 Dated: 11.07.2018 Engaging of Vidya Volunteers tirough School management Committees (SMCs) with a Honorarium of Rs. 12,000 per month for the Academic Year 2018-19 Orders


TS: Rc.No.44/PS2-2/2018 Dated: 11.07.2018 Engaging of Vidya Volunteers tirough School management Committees (SMCs) with a Honorarium of Rs. 12,000 per month for the Academic Year 2018-19 Orders


     School Education Engaging of Vidya Volunteers tirough School management Committees (SMCs) with a Honorarium of Rs. 12,000 per month for the Academic Year 2018-19 Orders communicated Reg.

Read .

        Act 10 /2018, dated: 30.03.2018
2. G.O.No.97, School Education (ProgI) Department, dated :29.06.20i6 along with guidelines
3. G.O RtNo.48, School Education (Prog.I) Department, Dated:02.06.2018. 1. This office Proc.Re.No.44/PS2-2/2018, dated: 10.07.2018


            All the District Educational Officers in the State are informed that, the Govt in the G.O. 3 read above, accorded permission to accorded permission to engage 16781 Vidya Volunteers during 2018-19, which includes 15,473 Vidya Volunteers against the Sanctioned, Vacant Posts due to Retirement, Long Leave Vacancies cte, and 1308 Vidya Volunteers in all the Local / Govt PS, UPS & HSs in other than Telugu and English Medium Schools to implement Telugu for the Academic Year 2018-19. The honorarium to the Vidya Volunteers is Rs.12000- (Rupces Twelve Thousand only) pcr month per hend. Further, all the District Collectors and the Distriet Educational Officers in the State to engage the Vidya Volunteers (as per annexure) in the schools for the academic year 2018-19 The District Educational Officers are ulsa requested to follow the same guidelines already communicated in the G.02read above, serupulously (Copy enclosed for ready reference), to engage the services of the Vidya Volunteers by the School Management Committees for the academic year 2018-19 with the approval of District Level Commillee under the Chairmanship of the District Collector as per the following Schedule:

        I. As per the guidelines issued by the Govt in the G.0. 2d read above, the candidates shall apply online and submit a signed print out of the application he/she uploaded along with the certilicates required to the MEOs from 13th July, 2018 to 16 July, 2018, in the application format created in the Director of School Education webstie cdse telangana,gov.in. The Mandal Educational officer shall cause verification of the applications with reference to the Certificates enclosed and submit the same to the District Educational Officer duly countersigned by 17 July 2018 The District Educational Officer shall finalize the sclection as per the Guidelines issued by the Government

    in the G.O. 2g read above, and with the upproval of the District Level Committee under the Chaimanship of the District Collector communicate list of Vidya

2. Volunteers to the Mandal Educational Officers by 18th July, 2018.

3. The Mandal Educational Officers shall complete the verification process as per the Guidelines issued by the Government in the G.O. 2 read above, and fumish list of Vidya Voluateers to the SMCs by 19th July, 2018.

4. The SMCs shall enter into the sgreement with the Vidya Volunteers as per the Guidelines issud by the Govt in the G.o. 2d read above, and enguge the scrvices of Vidya Volunteens from 20 July, 2018 without fail.

5. The Vidya Volunteers shall be engaged till last working day of the Academic Year 2018-19 or up to the time newly Recruited Regular Teachers join duty which ever is carlier. They are purely temporary and can be terminated at any time based on justifiable grounds by he School Management Committee(SMC).

6. The Vidya Volunteers shall he engaged to ensure regular functioning of the schools

7. Candidates should have completed 18 years of agc and upper age limit is 44 years as oa July, 2018. (5) years relaxation is given in case of SC/ ST/BCs and (10) years for Physical Challenged persons.


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