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AP R.C. No. 404Dated: 08.2018 Mid Day Meals Scheme Procurement of Edible or vitamin A,E through Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Oilseeds Growers Federation Limited, Vijaywada Suppy of Oil for the Academic Year 2018-19-Instructions


Present: K.Sandhya Rani. I.Pos.

AP R.C. No. 404Dated: 08.2018 Mid Day Meals Scheme Procurement of Edible or vitamin A,E through Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Oilseeds Growers Federation Limited, Vijaywada Suppy of Oil for the Academic Year 2018-19-Instructions


School Education - Mid Day Meals Scheme Procurement of Edible or vitamin A,E through Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Oilseeds Growers Federation Limited, Vijaywada Suppy of Oil for the Academic Year 2018-19-Instructions Issued Reg


   B Govt. Nemo No. 72871 Prog-/A1/2017 Cated 104.2018
      2. Lr.k.No.404/MDMJ2015 Dated: 17.05 2018 of this offic

     3. Lr.Rc No.NKCMGa299 2017-18 Dated: 09.08.2018 ct the VCE ND, AP Co-operative Oilseeds Gromers federations Ltd 4 LR.No.04/NDW/2015 0sted: 21, 06.2018 of this office ibba The Government in its Memo ted have accorded permission to the Commissioner of School Edacation to procure required quantity of edible Ol under Wid Day Meal scheme as per the regulation of Food Sefety and Standards Authority india (FSSAI) through Andhra Pradesh Co-aperatne Cilseeds Growers Federations Limited, Vijayawada per the orders of the Government the watk order relating to the supply of edble oil to the schoos / children under Mid Day Mes scheme for the acacemic year 2018-19 was entrused to Andhra Pradesh Co-operative Gilseeds Grawers Federations Limited, Vijayawada. The details of the district wise enroiment and the approxmate quantity of Cil required to be supplied per month is provded to AP Co operative olseeds Growers Federations Limited, Vijayawada for initiing supply of o w.e. to all schools The District Educational Officers in the Sate are requested to ssue suitable instructians to all the fieid level functionaries MEOs/HWs to receive the supplies of Edible O Vitamin A &8) from Andra Pradesh Co-perative Oseeds Growers Federation Limited, Vijayawada as per terms and cenditions issued in the reference cited ienclosed) under proper acknowledgement. They are further requested to e consolideted statement of daily from the MEO's HW's for entire month the annexure i to V) of consumption oEdible oil aiong with Stock Entry Certifcate and Good Quality Certiticate under Mid Day Meals scheme for the purpose of bill payment. The Di price will be deducted from cooking coss trom 01.09.2018 onwards The fotowing are the phone numbers of the Suppliers .tlo i Na me.of the Official Contact Number 98491345 Dengnation 1Sri.C.Kishna Mohan Manager,Consumer Marketing 984993115 SrN.Sya Ner ayana Nanager. Marketina Deputy Marger, Marketiną www.Guruvu.In For Commisrn To The District Ecucational Offices in the State Copt to the Vice Charman&Mangng orector, AP Cooperative Oilseeds Growers federations Ltd C-black,4 Floor, Stain Corporate Building. oadndustrial Estate, awaher Auto Nagar, Vijayawada


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