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Mid Day Meal Scheme Guidelines for maintaining hygien condions, providing required mats for eating and measure to the taken in implementation the scheme



    School Education Mid Day Meal Scheme Guidelines for maintaining hygien condions, providing required mats for eating and measure to the taken in implementation the scheme at district and school level Instructions ssued Regarding


                     All the District Educational Officers in the State are aware that the Mid Day Me programe a nagship programme aiming at enancng enrolmen retention and attendance and simultaneosly mproving nutritional levels among children studying in Government, Local Body and Government-aided primary and upper primary schools and the Centres run under Education Guarantce Scheme (EGS (AIE) & NCLP schools. As a part of implementation of Mid-Day Meal Scheme, NGOs and Trusts are also get associated with Governmen implementation of the programme through centralized kitehen. A workshop has been conducted on MDM with the district teams on and 12h July 2018. In this context, they are informed that during review of the scheme and at the time of field visits/ inspection it is observed that in most of the schools, the following is the situation in implementation of MDM .

Food is prepared in the open areas, under the trees and the children are cating theret.

The cook-cum-helpers are serving food sitting in varandah, students are standing in a line under the hot sun or shade trees in the open for their turn to collect meals and having meals sitting on dusty mante loors.

Further two to three children are eating from single plate which is unhygienic.

Such practices are causing food contaminations hat includes bacteria, yeasts, viruses or parasites that present in air, water and soil dirt etc. and lead to lnesses/sickness among students

2. The teachers are not getting adequately involved at the ime of cooking and of serving of meals to the students and in ensuring systematic way

3. The cooking areas and utensils, used for cooking and serving meals, are

4. Demonstrable effort need to be made to enhance quality and quantity of

5. The rationalc in prescribing the Menu is not properly understood and

6. All stored raw materials and ingredients are not being stored in a proper of cooking, delay and of quality of MDM at school point not being cleaned properly food being served to children the guidelines are not being followed properly prescrved space/area and clean containers.



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