PAT 2018- Notification / PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT TEST- Notification - Application form- instructions
(1) Professional Advancement Test for the eligible in-service teachers in the cadre of SGBT, Junior inspector of schools
(2) Automatic Advancement Scheme Examination for Grade-II Pandits, P.E.T’s and for Special teachers in Craft, Tailoring, Sewing, Drawing, Music, Agriculture & Radio Technology
(3) Simple Orientation Test for Grade–I Pandits will be conducted in the month of September.
This Examination is meant for the teachers who have completed the required period of service as per G.O.Ms.No.329; Dated 10-08-1983 and other relevant Government Orders.
The teachers who intend to appear for the above tests should pay the Examination fee of Rs.200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only)
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