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Relief to Kerala flood victims-contribution by the JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of AP from Aug Salary

Relief to Kerala flood victims-contribution by the JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of AP from Aug Salary

Joint Action Committee of Employees,Teachers orkers and Pensioners, Andhra Pradesh.

Head Quarters, NGO Home, 3rd Floor, Gandhi Nagar, VIJAYAWADA -520 003


Respected Sir www.Guruvu.In


      CMRF. Assistance/Relief to Kerala flood victims-contribution by the JAC of Employees, Teachers, Workers and Pensioners of AP request to collect and handover the same to Govt of Kerala-reg


      Minutes of the General body of JAC held on 18.8.2018

          The General body meeting of the JAC of employees, teachers, workers and pensioners of AP is held on 18.8.2018 at NGOs Home, Gandhinagar, Vijayawada to discuss organizational issues. Among other things, the JAC has discussed about the griming situation in Kerala which is reeling under devastating floods. The situation is alarming and pathetic. The General body resolved to contribute financial assistance to Govt of Kerala through Govt of AP as Flood relief. The JAC paid heartfelt condolences to the victims of flood who lost their lives.

The contribution will be as follows

1. Upto Class IV & III cadre Rs.200/- per head

2. NGO cadre and upto I level Gazetted Rs.300/- per head

3. Abov I level Gazetted   Rs.500/- per head

4. Pensioners all types Rs.200/- per head We request the Govt to take immediate action to recover the above amount from the salaries of the employees, teachers, workers and pensioners ber 2018 and issue orders immediately in view of the urgency. "A separate letter by the Pensioners Association will be issued to the Govt This amount may be collected towards CMRF of AP and the consolidated amount may kindly be sent to the Govt of Kerala as early as possible. Near lakh emplovees and teachers and 4,00 lakh pension relief and the amount may be around Rs.20.00 crores. ers will contribute towards this We further to state that employees and teachers are ready to attend the relief work of any type, if Govt desires to depute the force to Kerala where relief work needs more personnel.

Sudhir Babu) (P.Babu Reddy) N.chandra Sekhzf Redy) (P.Ashok Babu Secretary General(STU) Co Chairman (UTF Dy.Secy General Chairman(APNGO) (N.Raghu Remi Reddy) Co Chairman (APTF) Hrudaya Raju) (Sk.Riaz Ahmad) Co Chairman (APTF) ViceChairman(APPRDEA)


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