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TS Date: 18-08-2018 Rc No.2032/SSA/KGBVIT9-1/2018 Supply of Health & Hygiene Kits to the Girls Certain Instructions


Present: Sri.T. Vijaya Kumar, L.A.S.

TS Date: 18-08-2018 Rc No.2032/SSA/KGBVIT9-1/2018 Supply of Health & Hygiene Kits to the Girls Certain Instructions


        Samagra Shiksha Telangana, Hyderabad - Supply of Health & Hygiene Kits to the Girls Certain Instructions Issued Reg 


        1. Procs.No.200/DSE/DC-1/2018, Date: 01.05.2018 of the Commissioner & Director of School Education, Telangana, Hyderabad.
2. Govt.Memo.No.3513/SE.Prog.Il/A2/2018-1, Date: 14.06.2018.
3. Lr.No.T1/957/MD TSEWIDC/Cosmetic/Kits/2017-18, Date: 06.2018 of the Managing Director. TSEWIDC, Hyderabad.
4.This office Memo.No.2032/SSA/KGBVT9-1/2018, Date: 22.06.2018
5.This office Procs.No. 2032/SSA/KGBV/T9-1/2018, Date: 10.08.2018.


               The attention of all the District Educational Officers & EO-DPOs, SS in the State is invited to the reference 4th & sth cited They are aware that Health & Hygiene Kits are being supplied through the identified Agency/Supplier (MAA YARN AND FIBERS) for distribution to the Girls as www.Guruvu.In mentioned below during 2018-19

As informed vide reference 4h cited, the Agency/Supplier shall supply the Material during 2018-19 in four quarters and the guidelines for distribution of Kits to the Girls are as follows 

1. The Agency/Supplier shall supply the indented material at Mandal point

 2. The representative from TSEWIDC and MEO are joint custodians to receive the Material from the Agency at Mandal Level with due verification w.r.t. quantity and quality. They have to take up random verification whether the (13) items are there in each Kit and Hand Wash as per indented brands and quality After completion of verification, they m ssue acknowledgement/delivery challan o the Agency/Supplier and to distribute the Material to the Headmasters of the respective Schools basing on the eligible girls strength www.Guruvu.In

 3. The material has to be distributed to the Headmasters of the respective Schools only oncerned Headmaster has to verify the material of the School with due verification whether the (13) indented items are there in each Kit and Hand Wash supplied as per indent. The Headmaster has to record Stock Entry of the Material in the Stock Register of the School and distribute the Kits containing (13) items to the eligible Girls under proper acknowled ement ndto rtai the d Wasnore ular use by School. istrbut dSthool Level from 24.08.2018 to

 6. The Kits tocli ibles ae t 30.08.2018.

 7. The Hon'ble Dy.CM & Minister for Education shall participate in the inaugural programme of distribution on 24.08.2018 and distribute the kits to the girls

 8. The participation of Hon ble Ministers, Hon ble MPs/MLCs/MLAs. District Collector, Disrict Coordinating Officers, ZPTC, MPP and other elected representatives/SMC members during distribution of Kits shall be ensured. The DEO should co-ordinate for the above

 9. The DEOs to ensure wide press coverage in Print and Electronic Media and to monitor day to day supply of Kits so that every eligible girl receives the Kit 

10. The transportation charges of Kits from MEO office to School point are as follows. This amount may be spent by the HMs from the available funds with the School i) Within 8 KM: Not exceeding Rs.300/- or actual cost whichever is lower ii) Above 8 KM: Not exceeding Rs.600/- or actual cost whichever is lower


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