TS Re.No.G/TS/2705/2016 Dated:23.08.2018 TSWREIS -Enhancemert of rermuneration to the Contract Teachers engaged in TSWR Institutions
TSWREIS -Enhancemert of rermuneration to the Contract Teachers engaged in TSWR Institutions- Copy of Govermment Order commuicated for taking further action - Reg
Ref 1. Hon'ble High Cour: interirr orders dated 14.02.2018 in L.A. No.1 of 2018W.P No.2823 of 2018 filed by TSWR Contract Feachers Association
2. This Office Lr.Ro.No.C/TS/5128/2018, dated 20.03.2018 & 21.06.2018
3. GOR.No.331, SCD (RS) Dept. dated 10.08.2018.
in In the reference 3u cited (Ccpy enclosed. te Government have enhanced the remuicration to the Contract Teachers working in TSWR Institutions equivalent to the minimum of the pay (withou: any allowancee) attached to the post against which they are holcing Present Remuneration sa per Govt. . .. .
Therefore, the Principals ard Regional Cocrdinators are hereby directed to take necessary action on payment of cnhanccd reurnera in their Schoola and Rogioas respectively Encl: Copy of GO.Ms.No.331 SCD(RS Tept. tion to the Contrack Teachers werking Dated: 10.08.3018 SECRETA Ail the Principals of T3WR Institutions in the State All the Regional Cocrdinators of TSWREIS Copy to the Firance Officer (FAC) of this office.
Copy to
the Superintendent, Accounts lI Scction of this office
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